Chapter 14: I'm coming

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3rd pov:

Six gently stared at the teddy bear in her hands, wishing for nothing more than to have her brother's comforting arms around her frame.

"I miss you Nine"

It had been around ten days since the said boy had left her. She hadn't gone to school nor anywhere really, silently praying for her brother.

She rarely ate or slept, simply staring into space, the only thing alerting her of her presence in the world being the constant messages from a certain blonde, which she of course ignored.

She didn't want to burden him any further.

The girl sighed and stood up, trudging to her kitchen to grab something to eat, but when she got there she realised she wasn't so hungry, so instead, Six turned and sat on her couch, gently petting the sleeping dog that lay there.

It wasn't long till the dual eyed girl was out cold, soft snores leaving her lips in a steady rhythm.

She twitched every now and then muttering about her brothers until she was awoken by a loud knocking at the door.

Her eyes narrowed and irk marks appeared above her head as her feet lead her to the source of the noise.

Six ripped the door open, ready to give the person on the other side an earful about knocking so loudly at such a time, but when she laid eyes upon them, it was like she was frozen in place.



Katsuki's pov:

Its been ten days since that fucking furball was in my arms, ten god damn days, and the last thing I did was act like a fucking dick.

I'd been blowing up her phone, messaging her every hour, hoping for some form of reply, even the words 'seen' would have been better than the pain in feeling from not knowing if she's even alive.

All because I walked out when she had no one.

I'm such a fucking brilliant person.

I groaned, my hands pulling on my hair, causing the already untameable locks to stick out in every direction, even more than they did.


I glared at my door but didn't move.

In fact I'd been sat in the same position at the end of my bed for about three days.

The first seven days I spent normally, but after that week I couldn't bring myself to move, afraid if I did, she'd reply and I'd miss it.


I ignored the yells of my mother and stared at the phone placed beside me.

Even when my door was blasted open by the sheer force of my mothers punch, I did not take my eyes away from the screen.


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