Chapter 15: Home Again

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~Six's Pov~

When I felt my consciousness return, I bit back the urge to open my eyes.

The voices in the room were low and quiet.

At first I couldn't distinguish who it was, but when one voice became raised in anger, everything came rushing back.

It means I'm in that place again.

I shifted ever so slightly to check my surroundings without alerting my brothers and I was surprised to find I was on the makeshift bed with a blanket.

I think they trust me too much to not put any restraints on me.


My eyes snapped open and in a flash I was behind my eldest brother, a piece of glass against his neck and holding his blonde hair in a vice grip.

"Good morning dear sister" He said, his blue eyes glancing between Nine and his neck.

"Its dark outside" I mumbled, pushing the glass further down.

As for where I got the glass, well back when me and my twin lived in this wretched place, anything that the man would throw at us such as a beer bottle, we'd keep just below the mattress in case.

I was extremely grateful when I'd felt them poking into me through the bed.

"Six put the glass down" Nine commanded, slowly rising.

I shook my head, narrowing my eyes on his form.

He began to move closer, an unrecognisable emotion laced into his features.

"Move any closer and I'll slit his neck right here, right now" I snarled, pushing the glass further into my brother's neck.

The said man let out a small yelp and held his hands out for Nine to stay still.

"Why are we back here?" I questioned, looking between the two.

"Because father wants us home" Nanashi chuckled.

"He's not my father so why the fuck should I listen to him?"

"Six listen, we have to what he says. Also mind your lan-"

"Shut the fuck up brother, I want to hear from this piece of shit" I growled.

Nine flinched and looked down at his hands, staying silent.

"When did you learn how to swear?"

A scoff echoed from my throat as I stared at the blonde in disbelief.

"You fucking piece of shit. You disgraceful bitch. Shut the fuck up before I rip your ears from your skull."

Nanashi stiffened.

"Ring any bells brother?"

I watched as his Adams apple moved and his eyes widened ever so slightly.

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