Chapter 3: First day

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Six's Pov

I rested my palms on my knees and panted for about thirty seconds before regaining my composure.

I was about to open the door with pink/red letters labelling '1A', when my arm was grabbed.

I flinched slightly and looked down at my twin and sighed. "Are you nervous?".

He quickly shook his head and a faint blush adorned his cheeks. "What if there's a g-girl".

I just started at him with a blank expression and slid open the door.

Inside there were two people. A boy with heterochromatic eyes and two colours of hair, along with a girl who had spiky black hair.

Nine looked at the girl and breathed a sigh of relief.

Not his type huh.

We both sat at the back. Me at seat no.22 and my brother at seat no.24. Well considering 21,23 and 25 were missing...

I was pulling out my earphones (I'd stole them from mothers draw ages ago) when the spiky girl turned to me and my brother.

"Did you get on in recommendations too?" She questioned making the double haired guy turn around too.

We both nodded and Nine stuck his hand out to the girl.

"Hey my name's nine, hope we can be friends" he grinned.

She lightly smiled back, a look of confusion swarming in her eyes.

"Yaoyorazu Momo, nice to meet you uh...nine" .

I could tell she didn't think nine was a name...I mean it is a number.

Nine looked at the ground for a moment realising the same thing as me.

"Who are you?" Yaoyorazu asked me.

I muttered a quick reply of "six" before slipping my earphones back in.

She looked hurt but I was too busy trying to find a lollipop in my bag to see.

Just then I felt presence above me and looked up from my bag, pulling out my earphones.

It was the dual hair.

"It was near my desk" he muttered and handed my lolly to me.

"Th-thanks" I muttered.

He nodded and walked off to his seat. We all sat in silence after that.

*Ding, Ding* The bell went off and one by one students came filing into the classroom.

I put my earphones back on and placed my feet on the table.

Just as I was starting to dose off, I heard a loud commotion and pulled out my earphones, only to see my brother punching a guy with glasses.

I stood up and smacked him upside the head. "What the hell, I was trying to sleep" I growled.

He scowled at the glasses guy before storming back to his desk. Noticing the angry look never leaving I walked over to him.

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