Chapter 9: Thanks

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3rd Pov

It was now 5am.

Both teens hadn't slept.

Instead they had both been studying, well... Katsuki had been teaching Six about the basics of boners and puberty etc.


He had been giving her a sex ed lesson at what the fuck o'clock in the morning.

Although you'd expect it to be the most awkward thing, it actually wasn't.

Six found it incredibly interesting and Katsuki had taken comfort in the fact that she couldn't give two fucks about his mini him.

Katsuki was in the middle of his conclusion about periods, which he found out that Six didn't get for some reason, when he felt a light weight on his shoulder.

He looked to the side of him only to get a face full of hair.

Katsuki sighed and poked her face.

"Wake the fuck up, like fuck do you think I'm gonna let you sleep on my shoulder and drool" He ranted, watching as Six stood up.

"Okay" She muttered and walked over to the boys bed, pulling back the covers and laying down, falling asleep right away.

Katsuki stood in shock.

"What a bitch" He sighed.

He looked down at all of the notes and books scattered about on the floor.

We really just spent about two hours studying on sex ed... How can one girl be so fucking clueless?

He shook his head and cleaned everything up, leaving the room and turning out the light.

"Now I know how dad feels..." He groaned to himself and walked down the stairs, flopping down on the couch and pulling the fleece blanket that was already there.

Fuck my life.



"Stop fucking yelling - *yawn* - I'm up... And its Saturday dumbass"

Katsuki bit his lip to prevent himself from snapping back and walked into the kitchen, putting two chocolate pop tarts in the toaster.

Six sat down on the leather couch, playing with the long sleeves of the hoodie, finding amusement in the simple flailing movement they made.

"Here, eat this"

Six looked up and took the pop tart with a small 'thanks'.

The ash blonde took a seat beside the girl and started to munch on his own pop tart, savouring the flavours in his mouth.

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