Chapter 20: A boyfriend

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~3rd pov~

Three seconds.

That's all it took.

A blink.

A breath.

And the next thing that Six felt were a pair of lips upon her own.

He tastes like caramel.

She tastes like chocolate.

The kiss was short and sweet, both being new to this and not wanting to rush things.

The amount of relief that flooded the pair could be compared to a river of sorts.

Fear of rejection had simply been washed away, replaced by warm butterflies and soft smiles.

Katsuki pulled away, a soft smile on his face that Six had only seen him use once when they were watching a film called Marley and Me.

She had pretended not to notice the tears back then though.

"Baka, why're you crying?"

He sniffled.

"I'm just so fuckin' happy you fuckin' shitty cat"

A small laugh left Six, her breath fanning Katsuki's face that was still awfully close to hers.

He had leant over the heterochromatic teen and was now partially hovering over the girl, faces inches away from each other.


He had been staring into her mismatched eyes for nearly a miniute now, still smiling down at her features.

"I fuckin' love you too shitface"

A red blush erupted across both of their cheeks as Katsuki leant in once again, shuffling so he was sat beside her and she was no longer laying down.

His large hand carefully made its way behind her head and his other gently cupped her jaw.

This time Six made the first move, pushing herself forwards and capturing his lips.

They were rough and chipped but she didn't care, the kiss was full of desperation, after all the duo had been waiting for this.

Katsuki relished in the feeling of her soft lips, enjoying the way they felt against his own.

After what seemed like an eternity, Six pulled away, resting her forehead against the ash blondes.

"What... does this mean" She asked lightly panting to get her breath back.

Katsuki was in no better a state.

His face was flushed and his lips were parted and swollen.

The kiss had only been simple and yet the pair felt it was the best they would ever have.

Not that they knew any better.

"It means your my girlfriend you dumbass... that's if you want to fuckin' be"

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