22. Love?

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"Wake up, love." Zayn smiles in his sleep when hears Harry whispering softly in his ear. His curls tickling the side of his face.

"Wake up, Z. We gotta go for Al's birthday shopping, remember?" At that Zayn's eyes snap open. He looks at Harry with the biggest grin as the younger lad smiles back at him.

"Oh my God, yes! It's our baby girl's birthday tomorrow!"

Zayn can't believe that their girl is already a year old now. It feels like, just yesterday he met his 4 months old daughter.

Time really flies soon.

"I know right." Harry smiles down at him sadly.

"Haz, what happened?" Zayn asks as he cups a side of his face. Harry shakes his head before resting his head on the tanned lad's chest. Zayn rubs his back comfortingly when he feels his t-shirt getting wet.

"She's growing up so fast. I feel like, just yesterday I was holding her for the first time and now-"

Zayn nods as he keeps on rubbing the younger boy's back.

"I know, Haz. I feel that way too, but I guess that's life. We all have to grow up someday."

Harry nods at Zayn's words causing his curls to tickle Zayn's chin.

"But no matter how older she gets, we'll always love her." Zayn finish his words with a kiss on Harry's curls. The younger lad just nods in response.

"Now-"  Zayn pulls Harry's face up from his chest and wipes away the tears with his thumbs. "We'll smile and prepare for our baby girl's birthday, okay?"

This time, Harry nods with a smile, making Zayn smile as well.

Harry is about to get up when Zayn pulls him back down on his chest. Harry raises an eyebrow playfully at him.

"And where are you going without giving me my good morning kiss Mister?" Zayn says in a fake monster voice. Harry giggles but kisses him nonetheless.

"You're such a dork, Z."

"Only for you."


"You go inside, while I park the car, okay?"

"Okay, but don't take too long." Zayn smiles before getting out of the car. Harry rolls his eyes at Zayn before giving him a smile. Zayn chuckles before walking away.

He is about to enter the mall when he remembers that he has left the phone in the car. He turns and walks back to where the car parking is. He frowns when he sees Harry what seems like arguing with a women from a far. He walks closer to them and frowns deeper when he sees it's Elina Harry is talking to. He hides behind a nearby piller as he quietly tries to her their conversation, which now seems to get pretty heated.

"Listen you piece of shit, I don't know what you have done to my Zayn that he won't even look in my way, but stay away from him, okay?" He hears Elina's screeching voice and it makes his nose scrunch.

Her voice irritates him so much.

For the past 3 months, Elina has constantly been trying to talk to him after school but everytime, Zayn would make an excuse and leave her without even making a five minutes long conversation. Liam would even laugh at Zayn's horrified expression when gets into the passenger seat in a hurry after that.

Yeah, Elina's presence bothers him that much.

It's been two weeks since he last seen Elina and to say Zayn is relieved, would be an understatement.

"My Zayn? Get out your dream world,  darling, if you're forgetting Zayn is my husband." Harry replies sassily and God, does Zayn want to kiss him right now? Because this is the first time ever, Harry has claimed Zayn as his husband.

"YOU!" Zayn is really having a hard time containing his laughter when he hears the girl whinning in anger.

"You are such a slut! Everyone knows Zayn married you because of his grandmother or else, he wouldn't even look at such an ugly person like you. And now that he has lost his memory, you're taking advantage of him? How pathetic! We both know Harry, Zayn only loves me. Not a boy like you." Zayn's silent laughter dies down and slowly anger takes over him  when he hears Elina saying those words to Harry.

No one, means no one can say anything bad to Harry.

"Hey, you. Shut up right now okay!" Zayn comes from behind the pillar and stands beside Harry, who is now looking at him with surprised eyes. Zayn smiles at him before wrapping an arm around his waist, pulling the younger lad closer to him. He then looks at Elina who is now glaring at Zayn's hand which is resting on Harry's waist.

"How dare you talk to my husband like that?" Zayn glares at the girl in front of him as he says his words in an eerily calming voice.

"Zay-Zayn" Elina stutters in fear when he looks at Zayn's scary eyes.

"I SAID HOW DARE YOU TALK TO HARRY LIKE THAT?" He yells making both Harry and Elina flinch.

"Zayn.. he's-he's lyin-."

"SHUT UP!" Harry rubs Zayn's shoulder which helps him relaxing a bit.

"Zayn, calm down." He whispers worriedly.

Zayn nods before closing his eyes and taking some deep breaths.

"Listen." He glares at the girl in front of him. "I don't remember who you are or how our relationship was before but I don't want to see you anymore. And since you can't take a hint, I am saying this very clearly- JUST. FUCK. OFF. FROM. OUR. LIVES."

"But-but Zayn, you lo-love me." Elina stutters in a scared voice.

"God, can't you see? I love Harry and Harry only. So please, just fuck off. Or I'll put a restriction order against you, got it?" Zayn says in a serious tone. Elina nods before quickly getting into her car and driving away.

Zayn finally releases a deep breath.

One less problem.

"Za-Zayn?" Zayn looks at Harry's eyes and there are millions of emotions swimming around them. "You-you love me?"

That's when Zayn realizes what he has said.

"I love Harry and Harry only."

"Did you-did you mean it?" Harry asks again and Zayn could see there's a hope behind those green eyes.

He looses his grip on the younger lad's waist as he keeps looking into his eyes.

Harry looks down at where his tanned hand was resting on his waist then back at Zayn's eyes.

Zayn frowns when he sees Harry smiling sadly and shaking his head.

"Silly me." Harry chuckles and it just doesn't feel right to Zayn. "Of course you didn't mean it, it was just a spur of the moment, right?"

Zayn opens his mouth but nothing comes out of it. Did he mean it? He doesn't know. Was it just a spur of the moment? Then why it felt so right when he uttered those words.

Zayn tries to voice out his words but he just can't. It feels like something is stuck in his vocal  chord.

Zayn hates it.

He hates himself even more when he sees some tears pooling around his eyes.

"I-I gotta use the wash-washroom. See you in front of the baby store." Harry quickly turns around and walks away.

Zayn reach out a hand to hold him, but Harry is already gone.

His already reached out hand hanging in the space.

Much like his answer to Harry's question.


My Evil Self: And I am back! 😈 Missed me?

I love/love you all. xxx

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