45. End.

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One month later:

"Zayn?" Harry asks, coming behind his husband, frowning when he sees him taking off a picture from the living room wall.

Not only any picture but their first picture as a family together. The one Trisha took on the day Aleeza was born. The one where Zayn stood beside them with a blank face.

"What are you doing?" He asks in confusion.

"Um.." With the picture frame in his hand, Zayn turns around so that he is now facing Harry. "I am-I am taking this off." He looks down at the picture.

"Yeah." The green eyed lad softly says. "but why?"

"Because-" Zayn's thumb trace the part of little Aleeza in Harry's arms. His eyes are full of sadness as he whisper his next words.  "-I don't want her to think that I didn't love her or want her when he she gets older and sees this pic."

Harry's confused frown turns into a sad smile as he registers what Zayn wants to say.

Without another word, he pulls him into a gentle, comforting hug.


"I don't want her to hate me, Haz." Resting his cheek on Harry's shoulder, Zayn says in a broken voice. Harry can't help when he hugs him tighter.

"She won't." Harry assures him as he rubs his back. "She can't ever hate you Zayn. She knows you love her. She loves you so much, Zayn."


"No but Zee." Harry sternly says before gently breaking the hug. Cupping his face, the green eyed lad looks deep into his husband's teary, hazel ones. "You are her father. You love her, you love us, you are here for us and that's what matters the most."

Zayn nods softly making Harry smile a bit.

"Okay." Harry whispers as he looks down at the picture in Zayn's hand. "Do you-do you want to throw it away? If that's what you want?"

Harry doesn't want to throw it away if he is being honest to himself. It's their first picture as a family no matter how uninterested Zayn looked in it. He still wanna keep it. But then again, he doesn't wanna make Zayn uncomfortable because of the picture. He knows how much Zayn loves Aleeza.

"No." Zayn shakes his head. "I don't-I don't wanna throw it away, Haz. It's her first picture. Our first picture as a family." The older lad sadly smiles down at the picture. "Even though I ruined it."


"Do you think maybe we can keep it in our room secretly?" He looks up to his husband only to find him smiling.

"Yeah." Harry nods. "We can definitely do that."

"Thank you." Zayn smiles before kissing his forehead. He places the picture on the coffee table behind him before turning to his husband, who is already smiling at him.

"Now let's go, we're gonna get late for your first appointment."


"Oh hey, Harry ? It's so good to see you." The doctor, Amelia, throws him a kind smile as he enters the room. Zayn following behind.

After dropping off Aleeza at Liam's place for him, Louis, and Nick to babysit her, Harry and Zayn finally arrives at the clinic where Harry met Amelia his doctor during his first pregnancy, nearly 2 years ago. He could feel Zayn tensing up beside him, reminding Harry that this is Zayn's first appointment with a doctor not as a patient, but as a father of his baby. Gently, Harry takes his hamd in his and intertnwine their fingers, which seems to relax the tanned lad a bit.

"Hey, Amelia." Harry smiles at her as she gestures both of them to take their seats. "Guess, God wanted us to meet again, huh?"

"Of course." She chuckles. "So I guess you're-"

"Pregnant, yeah?" Harry nods with a smile.

"Alright." She smiles before turning her attention to Zayn. "And you might be his friend, right?"

"Um-" Zayn shifts in his seat uncomfortably. She didn't notice that because the next moment she asks Harry the question that makes them all dall in an awkward silence.

"Hey Harry, if you don't mind then where's your husband? Shawn, I guess, right?" She asks with a smile, obviously not noticing the atmosphere around them turning awkward.

Harry places a hand on Zayn's which was on the table and gives it a comforting squeeze.

"Um, Amy? I think you've misunderstood the situation. Zayn here, is my husband as well as the father to both my babies." Harry says in a soft yet stern voice that made the doctor instantly blush red in embarrassment.

"Oh God, I am so sorry." She rambles. "I-I didn't know. I have never seen him with you and that guy, Shawn was always there. You said you're married and I-I thought he's your husband. God, I am so sorry."

"It's alright." This time, Zayn gives her a soft, sad smile. "It's my fault anyway." He looks down at the wooden table where Harry's hand were resting on his. "I-I was never around that time and I'll forever regret it." He looks up at Harry and gives him a small smile.

Amelia looks at the couple with a smile on her face. She knows the conversation is getting too personal for her to listen. So she decides to give them a moment. She leaves the leaves the room silently, muttering a quiet, "I'll give you a second" but none of the lads hear it. Too busy in each other to notice it.


"I am sorry Haz." Zayn says for whats seems like the millionth time. "I-I was never there. But-but I promise, I'll be there for you. For Al and our little baby." Zayn places a hand on his still falt belly. "I promise to love you all forever. I promise to be there for you. Always."

Harry smiles at him, because yeah, he knows this time, Zayn is gonna keep his promise. So he says the only thing that first comes to his mind. He smiles, when he sees the spark of happiness and love in his husband's eyes after the words are uttered.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Jaan."

***** THE END*****

After reading all the comments, I finallg came to this. Adding one more chapter before the epilogue because I thought, I needed to clear these two things up: (i) The picture & (ii) Zayn's first time visiting the doctor as a father.

I hope this chapter was okay as a last chapter and I didn't mess anything?

I am sorry if I have disappointed you all with this. I really am.

Thank you so much guys, for being here always. Some of you may know I thought about to quit writing forever after my last fic. But it's you who encouraged me to keep writing.

Esi-jenny odett123 and abdhhll if it wasn't for these 3 people, 'Infinity' wouldn't have been on wattpad. There were the ones who pushed me me not quitting writing. Thank you so so so much guys.

Thanks to all the voters, commenters and readers for giving so much love to this book and always encouraging me. I owe you all.

One of the best parts about writing a book - I made so many awesome new friends. And the old readers and friends- you guys are so incredible. Like you have no idea!!!!

Thank you so much for coming to my life :)

I love/loce you all. xx

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