34. Fear?

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"What did he say?" Louis asks his best friend as soon Zayn get into the passenger seat.

Zayn doesn't say anything, just pulls out a paper from his jeans pocket and shows it to Louis.

"What's this?" Louis takes the piece of paper gently from his hands and eyes it carefully.

"Nick couldn't say anything because he promised Harry he wouldn't tell anyone about him. But he did say that he has another branch of his office in Chesire. It's the address of that office." Zayn explains carefully as he leans his head back and rests it on the car seat. His eyes automatically close on their own as a relief of hope wash over his body.

Finally, he has some more clues about Harry.

"So what you gonna do after going there? Cheshire I mean." Louis asks before handing the paper back to Zayn. The hazel eyed man folds it carefully before putting it back in his pocket.

"I will go to his office and search for him." 

"And how do you know thay Grimshaw isn't lying?" Louis raises an eyebrow. "I am telling you Zayn, he's master at lying."

"Louis." Zayn sighs. "I know he wasn't lying. His eyes held the sincerity." He gives him friend a small smile. Louis hesitantly nods.

"Okay then. So I guess, you're going to Cheshire?" Zayn nods.

"So when are you leaving?" Louis asks.


"What?" Louis looks at him like he gas gone mad.

"I mean, first drop me at the apartment, then I will pack some clothes and then I will leave."

"But Zayn, do you understand that you have school tomorrow?" Louis reminds him.

"Yeah." Zayn nods. "I will-I will talk to the principle. But I need to find Harry soon, Louis."

"Alright." Louis sighs, giving in. "But how will you get there? I mean,  I can't take leave from work. You know how my boss is a bitch."

"You-you don't have to come Louis." Zayn says somewhat hesitantly.

"Then how will you get there Zayn?" Louis rolls his eyes. "Niall and Shawn has gone to Shawn's business trip and Liam is suffering from cold. So how will you get there?"

"Um, I can drive?" Zayn says, scratching the side of his neck. He is fearing Louis' reaction.

"NO WAY." Louis yells with a glare, making Zayn flinch. He knew Louis would react like this.

"Louis please listen t-"


"Louis please-"

"Harry has given us your responsibility, Zayn." Louis voice softens when he sees the pleading look Zayn is giving him. "I-I can't let you drive. Something bad always seems to happen whenever you drive."

"I know you're worried about me Lou. But-" Zayn says in a soft voice. "But I haven't seen my husband nor my daughter for weeks Louis." He looks down at his lap as mumbles. "I miss them so much."

Reaching out a bit, Louis places a comforting hand on Zayn's shoulder. He looks at him with sympathy as he can see how much Zayn is hurting.

"Alright." After 10 minutes of mentally battling with his conscience, Louis finally agrees to let Zayn go on his own to Cheshire.

"Alright, you can go. But promise me, you'll call as soon you'll reach there, okay?"  Zayn nods.

"Good." Louis smiles back before opening the dashboard of his car and taking out something. "Here's your car keys."

Zayn's eyes lit up at that. He knew his mom has given Louis the car keys after his car got repaired two weeks back.

"Thank you." Zayn smiles gratefully before taking the car keys.

"You're welcome." Louis smiles. "Now let's go to your apartment and help you pack."

Zayn nods and with that Louis starts the car.


"Take care, okay? And don't forget to call oftenly. I'll be worrying." Louis mumbles as he sees Zayn locking the apartment door.

"Promise, I will." Zayn smiles at his best friend before pulling into a quick hug.

"Also, drive safely, okay?" The shorter lad looks at him in concern. Zayn rolls his eyes fondly at the blue eyed man before nodding with a smile.

"I will, Louis."

"Alright." Louis smiles at him before they walk down the hall to get to the elevator. Once out, Zayn walks towards his and opens the door slowly. He throws the middle sized duffle bag in the back seat before turning to Louis.

"Thank you for everything, Lou." He smiles at him which Louis returns. "Can I-Can I ask you for a favour?"

Louis nods with a confused face.

"I-I know about you and Nick." Zayn says a bit hesitantly. "He told me how he messed up."

Zayn places a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder as he sees the shorter lad balling his fists by his side, his jaw clenched as he stares at nowhere.

"I hate him. I hate him so much." Louis spits.

"No you don't." Zayn smiles at him sadly. "You think you hate him but you don't, Lou."

"I really do." Louis glares at him. Zayn smiles only.

"Don't let this thoughts of fake hate ruin you life, Lou." Zayn pats his shoulder and smiles one last time before getting into the driver's seat. He looks at a dumbfounded Louis from the car window and chuckles.

"Give him a second chance, Lou. That lad is gone for you." Zayn chuckles when he sees Louis glaring at him. He shakes his head before staring the car. "Besides, everyone deserves a second chance."

He doesn't wait Louis' reply as he drives away.

He hopes, Harry would give him a second chance as well.

Sorry if the chapter is boring :(

I am like really upset today because of the Zigi drama. I tried to write something interesting but I just couldn't. I am feeling too low.

I am really sorry.

Update: This story is at #404 in facfiction now :)

I love/loce you all. xxx

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