44. Infinity.

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Two months later:

"Haz? What are you doing?" Zayn asks as he enters the bedroom after making their Sunday special lunch. He frowns when he sees Harry sitting on the floor of their bedroom, smiling down at a piece of paper. From the wrinkles on it, it looks old.

"Come here." Without moving his eyes away from the paper, Harry asks his husband gently. Confused, Zayn goes and sits beside him without questioning anything.

"I was cleaning the room and found this under the bed." The younger lad grins at him. "I thought I lost it."

"What's this?" Zayn asks as Harry hands the paper to him.

"See." Harry smiles at him, seeing Zayn's eyes scanning the words. "I wrote this when um-"

Zayn looks at him with a raised eyebrow. Blushing, Harry looks down at his lap. Zayn smiles and quickly pecks his left cheek.

"Wrote this when?" The hazel eyed man asks as he reads the lines carefully.

He knew Harry is good at writing songs. Zayn remembers, he used to write when they were teenagers. But this, this is beautiful. Maybe one of the most beautiful lines he has ever read. His heart aches at the amount of emotions the lines hold in them.

"How many nights does it take to count the stars?
That's the time it would take to fix my heart
Oh, baby, I was there for you
All I ever wanted was the truth,

How many nights have you wished someone would stay?
Lie awake only hoping they're OK
I never counted all of mine
If I tried, I know it would feel like infinity."

"When-" Zayn turns to Harry when the younger lad starts to speak. "You were in coma for a month, after your first accident."

"Haz-" Zayn pulls him gently in an embrace and places a kiss on his curls. "This is painfully beautiful."

"Wrote this for you." Harry mumbles against his chest. Zayn nods.

"And I love it." Zayn admits. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Harry smiles before kissing his chest.

They sit there comfortable silence for a while before Harry decides to break it.

"Um, Zayn?" Harry asks, pulling away from him a bit. He looks down at his lap and bit his lower lip. Zayn looks at him in confusion when he sees the nervous look on Harry's face.

"What happened, Haz?" Zayn asks, concerned.

"I-I need to tell you something." Zayn places a hand on Harry's face, so that the younger lad is now looking at him.

"Yeah?" Zayn whispers softly.

"I-you-" Harry looks down at the floor again.

"Has, are you okay?" Zayn asks in concern. "Are you feeling well?"

"No, I mean yes." Harry sighs in frustration. Zayn cups both his cheeks, making Harry looking into his hazel eyes.

Harry looks unsure. As if he is contemplating on telling Zayn. As if he is scared of something. So Zayn does the only thing that comes to his mind. He pulls him into a tight hug. He feels Harry relaxing a bit in the embrace slowly.

"Tell me, Haz." Zayn softly says. "I'll be with you no matter what. I am here, Jaan."

That seems to relax Harry more. Because the next moment, Harry slowly lifts his head up so that his lips are now close to Zayn's ear. Zayn could feel Harry's lips curve into a small smile as he whispers the words in his ear. A wide smile takes over his face at the words his husband whispers to him.

"We-We are going to be parents, again, Z."

******THE END******


I'll try to make the Epilogue longer. Promise. ❤

Thank you for everything guys! For being there from the start. For making this story one of my successful stories :') You don't know how grateful I am to all of you.

I love/love you all. xxx

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