7. Care?

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"Harry, Harry please wake up." Zayn keeps on chanting worriedly as he takes Harry's head in his lap.

"You're burning." Zayn gasps as he touches his palm to his forehead.

"God." He runs a hand through his hair in worry.

"I gotta do something." He mumbles to himself as he gently places Harry's head on the floor again.

He slowly stands up then bend down a little to take him in his arms. His frowns at how light Harry weighs.

He sighs in relief when he looks at his side, at the cot where the baby is sleeping peacefully.

At least, he hasn't woken her up this time.

Without another word, he carries him out of the baby's room and looks at his side to find another dimly lit room. He mentally thanks the God when he sees the door to that room is already open.

Silently, he carries him into the room and gently places him on the left side of the queen sized bed and put the blanket on him.

He then sits at his side and sighs. First, all those revealations and now Harry being sick. God, does this day can get any worse?

He then touches Harry's forehead again to check the temperature and God, he is still burning up. Zayn knows, he has to do something right now because if he doesn't, then the fever might get worse.

So he does the first thing that comes to his mind.

He goes to the kitchen, in search of a bowl and when he finds it, he doesn't waste a minute to fill it with the tap water. He then searches for a small towel in the cabinets. When he finally finds it, he dips it into the bowl and goes back to Harry's room.

His heart clenches when takes a seat beside him on the bed and notices how weak Harry looks. He places the bowl on the bedside table and removes a curl from his forehead.

"What you have done to yourself Haz." Zayn whispers in concern as he places the wet towel on Harry's forehead.

"God, what happened in the past!" The hazel eyed man mutters to himself as he keeps on changing the towel from time to time.

After 20 minutes or so, when he feels the fever has gone down a little, that's when he finally sighs in relief.

He then thinks about making some soup for Harry. He looks so weak, maybe a bowl of soup would make him feel better?

Sighing, he gets up from the bed and looks down at Harry one last time.

He bends down a little and places a soft kiss on his slightly cooled down forehead.

"Have a nice rest Haz." He whispers to him softly and walks out of the room to go to the kitchen.

He enters the kitchen and starts searching for the ingredients.

"God, is there anything other than the baby food? God Haz,why can't you take care of yourself?" Zayn sighs in frustration when he finds nothing but a carrot, some onions and chicken in the entire kitchen. The whole kitchen is stocked with baby foods and nothing else.

So yeah, Zayn is a bit frustrated.

"Looks like I gotta go out tomorrow to do the grocery." He sighs. "But for now, let's get started with the soup."


"And it's done." The bradford lad sighs in content when he finally pours some soup in a bowl for Harry. He takes a sniff of it, and smiles. Yeah, it does smell nice. He just hopes Harry likes it even though Harry has always praised his cooking.

He is about to take the bowl to Harry's room when he hears the baby crying in the other room.

"Shit." He curses before leaving the kitchen.

The soup is long forgotten.

He stands at the door as he keeps on looking at the baby. His heart clenches when he sees Aleeza crying in her cot. He wonders if he should pick her up. His heart wants to but then then his mind reminds him of the way Harry backed away from him earlier. He is engrossed in his thoughts when the cries get louder and that's the moment Zayn decides, he'd go with his heart.

He softly pads to the cot and looks down at her. He smiles down at her when he finds, how cute she looks in her cute sky blue onesie.

He gently picks her up in his arms and smiles down at her in awe.

"Hey baby." He whispers softly to her while gently craddling her in his arms.

The baby stops crying and finally looks at him with teary eyes.

Zayn's breath hitch when he looks into her eyes.

They are Hazel like his own with green in them. He studies her face carefully and all his words caught in his throat.

She's a perfect combination of him and Harry.

With curly brunette hair and long eyelashes. She has Harry's lips while her nose looks like Zayn.

She's beautiful.

Zayn is so engrossed in studying her face that he didn't even notice the another presence in the room.

"She-she stopped crying." Zayn turns around when he hears Harry whisper behind him. Zayn looks at him and gives him a soft smile before looking down back at her.

"Yeah she did, didn't she?" Zayn coos at her as he places a kiss on her forehead, making her giggle. Zayn smiles wide because her smile is exactly like Zayn's.

"Sh-she's even smiling. It's the first time she smiled in a while. It seems like, she knows you." Harry whispers looking af both of them. Zayn looks at him and he frowns.

Why is Harry crying? Why is he getting so emotional? And what does Harry mean by 'It seems like she knows you'? Of course she would. He's her father after all.

"Um yeah? Why is it so surprising to you? I'm her father after all." Zayn rolls his eyes at him before smiling back down at his daughter. He rubs his nose with her and smiles wide seeing her giggle.

"You are." Harry whispers to him in a choked voice. Zayn looks at him with questioning eyes because why Harry seems like he is about to cry?

"Harry wh-" Zayn starts but Harry cuts him off with his words.

He is sobbing now which confuses Zayn more.

"But it's the first time you have ever hold her, Zayn."


Sorry for such a boring chapter :(

I love/loce you all. xxx

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