40. Missed?

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"Stop shaking?" Harry says softly before taking his hand in his. "You're her father. There's no need to be scared."

"But what if she has forgotten me already?" Zayn mumbles looking down at his shoes as they sprint upstairs, making their way to Harry's childhood bedroom which has now become Aleeza's room.

"Stop being stupid, Z." Harry rolls his eyes fondly at the half-Pakistani lad.


"No 'but's or anything." Harry says in a fake scolding voice. "Now go and meet your daughter."

Zayn nods, somehow hesitantly and lets go of his husband's hands. He smiles when Harry whispers an encouraging "Go." and finally enters the baby's room.

The first thing he notices, is her little body, clad in an onesie, sitting in the middle of a cot with small stuffed toys scattered around ger. She's playing with the stuffed teddy bear that Zayn had gifted her on her birthday. And if that wasn't enough to swell Zayn's heart in love for his daughter, then her next words surely are.

"Twed-dy, Ba-ba?" She says, looking at the brown stuffed toy, and it breaks Zayn's heart when he sees the sadness on his daughter's face.

"Al?" He whispers, looking at her from the doorway. She doesn't seem to hear him because he is now hugging the teddy bear with his small hands.

"Go to her." Harry whispers from behind. Without turning to him, Zayn nods softly before making his way to the cot. The cot looks old and there's "HARRY" written in front of it in blue letters, letting Zayn know that the cot belongs to Harry.

"Al." He whispers standing in front of her cot. She looks up at him and Zayn's eyes become teary when she looks up and smiles widely at him.

He has missed her so much.

"Ba-ba!" She squeals happily and throw her arms up, asking Zayn to pick her up. Zayn lets out a watery chuckle before gently picking her up in his arms. He hugs her tightly for a second before letting go and  smothering her face with kisses. The baby giggles at that.

"Baba missed you so much, Al." Zayn whispers before hugging her again. He doesn't even know when he has started crying but fuck it! He has finally gotten his family back. He is allowed to cry. "I can't live without you. I can't."

"Baba sad?" She asks him as she tries to wipe the wetness on his cheek with her little hands. A frown etched on her little forehead.

"No, love. Baba is happy." Zayn gives her a small smile and kisses her forehead softly.

He turns around when he feels a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Told you, she'd remember you. She missed you." Harry smiles at him softly.

Zayn nods before wrapping his free hand around his waist making Harry smile more. Harry kisses his cheek first then looks at their baby who is resting her head on Zayn's shoulder. She feels like she could fall asleep any moment.

"I missed her too." Zayn says softly, wanting her to sleep. "Why hasn't she slept yet? It's past his bedtime." Zayn asks in concern. It's way too late for Aleeza to be awake. They used to put her to sleep early ay home.

"Yeah." Harry nods, somehow sadly. "She has beem like that since we left the house. I tried putting her to sleep but it was of no use. She couldn't sleep. You used to put her to sleep at home. I guess, she missed you."

Zayn nods, understanding. He wasn't able to sleep either. He missed having Harry by his side and hearing Aleeza's giggles. He missed singing lullaby to her before putting her to sleep. He missed waking up to Harry cuddling into his chest. He missed them so much.

Zayn sighs before kissing Harry's forehead.

"I missed you both."

I am sorry for the SUPER short chapter. My head hurts.

Also, I don't know if I'll be able to update tomorrow since there's a festival tomorrow.

Happy Saraswati Puja!!!!

[In case you are wondering what we do on this day: On this day we worship Goddess Saraswati, the Goddess of Education.]

Love/loce you all. xx

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