28. Alex?

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"How's he?" Harry asks in concern as soon the doctor walks out of the ICU.

His big green eyes are already red from all the crying on his way to the hospital and Aleeza crying in his arms isn't helping him either.

He's feeling so vulnerable. He feels like he can't even function without Zayn by his side. But he knows, he has to be strong.

For himself.

For Aleeza.

But mostly, for Zayn.

He squints his eyes when the doctor takes of his mask, revealing his face.

"Alex? What are you doing here?" Harry asks in surprise.

Alex is a close friend of him whom he met in the University. They lost contact after they graduated, so seeing him right here in the hospital is a bit shocking for both of them.

"Harry? Wow, it's been a long time since I last saw you. I work here as a doctor. But what are you doing here?" The man with blonde hair and brown eyes asks in surprise.

"Um, I am here for my husband." Harry says awkwardly. He knows Alex is about to get a heart attack since he's one of those few guys from his University who knew about his love for Zayn.

"Wait, so you are the Styles-Malik? You guys are married?" Harry nods.

"Wow!" Alex sighs, shocked. His eyes then land on the crying baby in Harry's arms and he looks back at Harry.

"And who is this cutie?" He asks, making weird faces at the baby making her smile a little. Harry is thankful for that.

"Uh, this is Aleeza. Mine and Zayn's daughter." He says with a smile.

"Wow!" Alex's eyes widen in shock. Then he looks at Harry with fake hurt. "And you didn't even invite me to your wedding, I am hurt."

"I am sorry, Alex. It was a small wedding. Just with some family members. Nothing extravagant." The green eyed lad smiles at him apologetically. "But how's Zayn?"

"Um yeah, about that." Alex now looks at Harry with worried eyes.

"He's out of danger now but we still need to keep him under observation. We've shifted him to the ICU. He's sleeping now, but he should be awake in 3 hours or so." Harry sighs in relief as he cradles Aleeza in his arms. He looks at the doctor who is now looking at both of them in concern, making him frown.

"He has hit his head pretty hard, Harry. I am afraid, there would be some complications with his memory. He might loose his memory as well."

Harry's heart is beating fast. So fast that he could hear it thumping in this ear. No, he can't do this again. He just got his Zayn back. He can't lose him again.

"But-but he has already lost his past eight years of memory in the last accident." Harry whispers, trying hard to hold back the tears.

"What?" Alex looks at him in shock. Harry feels like his legs are made of jelly from how much they are trembling with fear.

"Ye-yeah." Harry nods as Alex gestures his friend to give the baby to him. Grateful, Harry gives the baby to the doctor who takes her happily.

"Then I can't say anything, love." The doctor looks at him with a sad smile.

"What do you mean?" Harry whispers.

"I mean, we can't say what gonna happen when he wakes up. Human brain is a complicated place, Harry. He can permanently loose his memory, he can get the memories back, or he can get his past eight years of memory back but don't remember the things that happened after the previous accident."

And the last part is what scared Harry the most.

He can't have Zayn losing the good memories of them being together.

He can't have Zayn hate him again.

He can't loose Zayn again.

"Hey." Harry's thoughts are broke by Alex's soft voice. He feels something wet running down his cheeks and it's then he realizes that he's crying.

"It's going to be okay. Let's just pray for everything to be okay." Harry nods at his old friend.

"Good. Now I am going to take Aleeza to the playroom in the hospital, is that okay with you?" Alex asks softly. Harry looks at Aleeza who now looks happy with the faces Alex is making at her every now and then, making the father relax a bit.

"Yeah." Harry nods. The doctor smiles at him before walking away.

He takes a deep breath before calling their friends and family, informing them about Zayn.

He walks toward the ICU and stands in front of the door. Looking at his sleeping through the glass window, Harry sighs and leans his forehead against it as a tear slips from his left eye.

"Please don't forget us, Z."


"Harry, you should eat something, love." Niall says as he takes a place beside Harry on the hospital chairs.

It's been two and a half hours and Zayn could wake uo at any moment. Harry wants to see him but at the same time doesn't. What if Zayn hates him?

Both Zayn's and Harry's family and friends have been trying to make the taller lad eat or drink something, but Harry would always decline them. Saying he is not in the mood.

"Don't wanna." The taller lad mumbles as Shawn places a hand on his shoulder.

"But you have to eat Haz. You'll become weak. At least eat for Aleeza?" The Canadian lad gently says, earning a nod from Harry and a grateful smile from his boyfriend, Niall.

"Good. Now, let's go and grab a coffee from the hospital cafeteria okay?"

Harry nods at Niall's words.

Shawn smiles before taking both their hands in his and making their way to the cafeteria.

Harry sighs.

He has to be strong for both Zayn and Aleeza.


"Are you feeling okay now?" Niall asks as they are walking back to the ICU.

"Yeah." Harry smiles at both Shawn and Niall which looks awefully forced.

"The coffee was shit though." Shawn mumbles as they find themselves in front of the ICU. Harry frowns and his heart speeds up when he sees the worried look on the family members' and friends' faces.

"Is everything alright?" Harry asks Trisha who looks at him in concern.

Trisha goes to tell him something when he sees Alex walking out of the ICU for the 2nd time in that day.

"Alex, is everything okay with Zayn?" He looks at him with concerned eyes.

"Um, Harry, I think he remembers something from the past."

"What do you mean?" Harry's heart beat speeds up. He really hopes it isn't something he wish it is.

"You said he doesn't remember anything about his University life, right?" Harry nods.

"Have you told him about me or shown any pic of mine to him after the previous accident?" Harry shakes his head in no.

"Harry." Alex places a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Zayn recognized me immediately when he saw me some minutes ago."


Guess who loves to be an evil? 😂

I love/loce you all. xxx

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