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Lucia woke with a start hearing the screams of her fellow classmates

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Lucia woke with a start hearing the screams of her fellow classmates. Fear consumed her making her not want to get up and move.

She grabbed her lightsaber and got out searching for Ben, only to find his hut in shambles. Activating her lightsaber to be ready, she walked around taking in the sights around her.

Fire. It was everywhere consuming everything. Lucia was now running around, her lightsaber in a blaze of blue light as she searched for Ben. She had no idea where he was during all of this but she hoped that he was okay.

It never dawned on her that this was her dream. That Ben was the one doing this, but she held out hope that he was still good and on the light side.

"Lucia!" She recognized Joel's voice as he ran towards her. "Run!" He screamed before a lightsaber pierced through his heart. The girl couldn't help the scream that left her lips. As Joel's body fell, it felt like her heart had been ripped through her chest at the sight before her.

It was Ben.

He killed Joel. "Ben! Why would you kill him!" She screamed wondering where Luke was. He should be here right now.

The boy looked at the girl who he promised his life too. "My name is not Ben anymore. It is Kylo Ren," he spat at her before engaging in a lightsaber battle with her.

Their lightsabers clashed once more. This time it wasn't for fun or for any training. This was do or die. Life or death. Lucia and Ben. Using all of her strength she shoved upwards knocking off his balance before kicking him in the knee. He snarled before attacking once more making her duck. It was all so much harder since she was pregnant.

Lucia and Ben fought for a few moments with no one showing as a victor. Ben - Kylo Ren - stopped to try to persuade her to join him. He tried his hardest to ignore the tears streaming down her face.

He wanted this. To protect her.

"Lucia! Come with me! The dark side will give us powers that you could never dream of! It will protect help us protect our child!" Ben told her pausing their lightsaber battle briefly. Her stomach was in pain which told her she needed to get out of there as soon as she could. This baby was her everything and if she lost Ben now, she couldn't bear to lose her baby at the same time.

Tears refused to stop streaming down at the face of the man she loved. "No! Ben! You can't do this to me! To our family! Stay on the light side with me!" she cried out before clutching her lightsaber tightly. It was hard to fight with a swollen four-month belly and protect your child with it.

"I'm sorry, but you should have decided to come with me," he snarled before raising his lightsaber and striking her down.

In his fit of rage, he stabbed her through the stomach.

It didn't dawn on him as he watched the woman he loved fall to the ground what he just did. He went to the dark side to protect her, but instead, he killed her. Shedding one tear, only one, he left Lucia there turning into the shell of the man he used to be.

Lucia lied there in so much physical and emotional pain. She couldn't get up and sobbed quietly to herself when she realized that she was going to die there at the hands of the man she loves. She thought it was over.

Then she saw the two figures in the distance. One walking, the other rolling. Luke and R2-D2. "Help!" She screamed out making them stop. "Luke help me!" She cried making the older man break out into a sprint.

The pain finally consumed her as her eyelids fluttered shut. The last thing that she saw was the worried face of Luke Skywalker staring down at her.

When she woke the bright lights of the medical bay back home stared her in the face. She could feel the tight bandages around her stomach making tears slip through her eyelids.

"Lucia?" The girl turned her head to see Leia sitting in the chair next to her. "I'm so sorry,"
She told the girl making her break out into full sobs. The sorry was for more than one thing.

Losing Ben and losing her baby.

"Leia, what happens now?" She questioned her once she finally calmed down from her crying. The poor girl's life just shattered for the second time and she felt utterly useless. How is it that the same girl could go through two major heartbreaks in her lifetime? Why did it have to be her?

Why didn't she see it earlier?

Leia stood up and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "You rest, that is what happens," she ordered before leaving the medical bay so the bots could do their job.

Lucia just lied there motionless, just thinking as the medical bots hustled around her. It gave her time to reflect on the life she had been living for the past few years. That's when the rage kicked in.

Rage at herself for not seeing this sooner or believing her dreams when they were warning her. Rage at Luke for not doing something to keep him on the light side. Rage at Kylo Ren for killing Ben Solo and their baby.

She did not know if she could bring him back. She didn't even know if she wanted him back.

Life went on and soon enough Kylo Ren became one of the most feared names in the galaxy. Lucia practiced with the force training it to use it more than her lightsaber. Leia became the resistance leader, Luke left sending himself into isolation, and Han spent more time smuggling than with his wife. Lucia's second family offically had fallen apart.

Everything had changed and Lucia hated it. She wanted it back to normal and as more time went on she came to realize something. It was a realization that broke her heart.

Ben Solo is never going to come back.

hello, hello! i know you all must hate me, lol, but i needed to get us into the force awakens somehow! there will be one more chapter for this part before going into part two!

happy new year!

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