Fiery Red Pt.1

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Jasmine Andrews

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Jasmine Andrews. The sister of Archie Andrews. She had never been the good girl at Riverdale High School, like her brother pretended to be. She didn't think there was a point of pretending. So she smoked, as she found it calming when the nicotine smoke entered her lungs. She would get into fights when she heard people talking bad about the people she was close to. She knew how to take care of herself when she found danger near by. Instead of wearing bright and nice clothes, she stuck with the leather jackets with the generic combat boots, the stereotypical bad girl outfits. She was the sassiest person everyone had knew, responding to people with sarcastic comments instead of serious, geniune responses. So all in all, she was the outcast among everyone else, found herself to be in her own group of friends that were similar to her.

 Though she eventually got tired of everybody and everything once her father had died.Many people decided to push her over the limit, making up rumors.

Some saying that she and her father had gotten into an argument and that she wanted her father dead by hiring a hitman to kill her own father. Others saying that she took it upon herself to shoot him instead. 

Regardless what the rumors were, she still got angry, and no one can really blame her.  So Jasmine realized she couldn't deal with the people that had their heads in their asses.


As Jasmine stood in front of the trailer, she sighed and thought over her decision. Deciding to get it over with before she changed her mind and left, she knocked on the door lightly, not wanting to be rude to one of her favorite persons. While she was debating on whether she should knock again or just leave, the door opened to reveal the person that she needed to see the most at the moment.

"Jasmine?" asked the person that lived inside of the trailer, the infamous Jughead Jones. Or as Jasmine likes to call him, 'Juggie Jug'. 

All Jughead got in a response was a forced smile. Jughead had looked behind him real quick and stepped out of his trailer and closed the door behind him with furrowed eyebrows, "What are you doing here? Can you come back later or is it important?" Jughead quickly asked. Jasmine just rose her perfectly shaped eyebrow in question, wondering what his deal was. 

"Jughead! Who's at the front door?" A female voice asked inside of his trailer. Before Jughead could respond, his trailer door opened to reveal a girl that looked about their age with brown hair with some pink added to it, "Who are you?" the girl asked confused. Jasmine looked at Jughead with disbelief noticeable in her face but also a slight smirk on her lips.

"Are you cheating on Cooper?" Jasmine questioned. Jughead quickly shook his head no while the girl at the door smirked at her question. "Well shit, was waiting for her to finally get put back in her place," Jughead gave her a glare at the rude comment that was being said about his girlfriend but not really wanting to get into another argument about Betty, "anyways, I am Jasmine Andrews. Pleased to meet you hun," Jasmine smiled while turning to the unknown girl that was in her friends trailer, deciding that she looked kind enough.

"Toni Topaz. And don't call me hun ever again," Toni responded with a smile. Jasmine just winked at her and turned towards Jughead, the reason why she had been in front of his residence in the first place.

"Alright Juggie Jug, I'm going to be straightforward with this. I need a place to stay, please. I don't really have anyone else to turn to and I don't wanna stay with my brother," Jasmine had started to explain to the two, "So that is why, I am here. Outside of your trailer." she finished her small tale with a small smile.

As Jughead heard her small explanation with a frown prompted on his lips, worried on what had prompted her to leave the house, "What? What happened at home?" Jughead asked with concern clear in his voice. 

Toni frowned as well, knowing how bad the northside could get. Especially since Jasmine seemed to not fit in with the rest. 

"Well, I will gladly explain. But I would rather do that inside instead outside where I am freezing my ass off," Jasmine sassily responded with a smile.

Once the two heard her sentence, both Jughead and Toni looked at each other with concern, knowing who was inside. She easily spotted their small exchange, "What? What's wrong?" before either of them could respond, another voice came into the conversation.

"What's this fuckin northsider doing here?" 

EDITED: 8/10/2020

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