Enemies Part 1

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Y/h/d: You're Hair Description

Sweet Pea has fallen in love with the only girl ghoulie in Southside High when he was supposed to hate her instead


Sweet Pea sighed as another school day started. He walked towards the two Serpents that stood by his locker and noticed that they were staring at a certain group that stood farther in the hallway. "What you guys staring at?" he asked the two serpents. Fangs continued staring as Toni turned to Sweet Pea to respond.

"Do you see that girl over there?" Toni asked as she pointed at a girl that had y/h/d. Sweet Pea looked to where Toni's finger was pointing at and saw the girl that was smiling at the person that she was talking to words. He nodded. "Well, that girl over there is the ONLY girl ghoulie that is attending Southside High. She is so beautiful so we just can't believe that she is a ghoulie. She looks so kind and sweet, nothing like the Ghoulies." he didn't respond, in shock. Just like Toni explained, he too could not believe that a girl like her would be a Ghoulie. Fangs patted Sweet Peas back gently causing the taller male to come back to reality.

"Let's get going before we are late to first period." Fangs said as he repositioned his bag on his shoulder. Pea just nodded his head without saying a word. Fangs turned toward Toni to say goodbye due to the fact that they don't have first period together but was welcomed with the sight of Cheryl and Toni sucking each other's face off. "Wow, be careful. You don't want to suck each other's face before first period." Without removing herself from her girlfriend, Toni flipped the male off. Fangs just chuckled and grabbed Pea's shoulder before walking off.


"Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea!" Fangs yelled out at the male. The mentioned male raised his eyebrows in question and looked at him. Fangs pointed towards the front of the room. Sweet Pea followed his best friend's finger and saw the same girl from before. He sat up straighter and looked at her as she talked to the teacher. Fangs leaned towards him and whispered in his ear. "What do you think they are talking about?" he shrugged and continued to stare at the pair. After a few short minutes the teacher turned towards the rest of the classroom causing him to cough and look out of the window once again, pretending to not care about the world. The teacher coughed and nodded her head.

"Sit behind that young man over there." she said as she pointed towards Sweet Pea. The girl nodded her head with a smile and walked towards the pair of Serpents. Fangs continued to stare at her while Sweet Pea looked out the window, focusing on the people sitting outside skipping class. He heard the chair squeak as she sat in it and the sound of books hitting the desk. Fangs turned around and coughed loudly. Sweet Pea rolled his eyes and looked towards his best friend. He mouthed the word what in annoyance. Fangs just smirked and winked. Sweet Pea once again rolled his eyes and looked out the window once again, for the 3rd time. But that was until he felt a faint tap on his left shoulder. He slowly turned around to see the girl Ghoulie. She smiled at him shyly and looked down at her hands. She was NOT expecting such a handsome person sitting in front of her.

"Umm...do you possibly have a pencil I could borrow?" she whispered in a shy type of tone. "It's okay if you don't." Sweet Pea didn't respond and continued to stare, opened mouth.

"You look more beautiful up close." he whispered. 

And that is a wrap! Here is the first part of Enemies. I think this was requested, I am pretty sure. I don't remember who so if you requested it thank you for the idea and if you would like me to mention please message me. Anyways, here is part one

Sweet Pea Imagines {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now