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Wow....I kinda suck dont i? You all have every right to tell me I suck, that i disappoint, everything after what I say. I am discontinuing this book. I have lost interest in riverdale and I dont have any passion to write as much anymore. Dont get me wrong, I love my bby boy sweet pea with all my heart still, but I've lost interest in writing about him. I had so much planned for this book and the imagines but I dont know what overcame me. I'm extremely sorry. I'm sorry if I have let you down. I'm sorry that I possibly got some of you excited for imagines but...I've just lost passion in writing it. I'm sorry. I really truly am. I love each and every one of you. 💕 but please do support other authors and check them out. Support them. Comment. Vote. Add their books to reading lists. Do everything you did with this book to their. Thank you 💕💜

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