Fiery Red Pt.2

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"Why is this northsider here?" Jasmine heard an angry voice ask. Jasmine looked towards where the voice came from and saw a tall guy, that also seemed like her age, with dark hair, and tannish skin. She scanned him up and down and noticed he was wearing a flannel, black jeans, and a black shirt. He also had a couple of rings on his hand. She looked at his neck and saw a tattoo that looked like a snake in the shape of an S. Jasmine smirked as the man asked "Well? Are you going to answer me?" 

"Well, last time I checked that wasn't your business," Jasmine responded with a smirk which had angered the other even more. Jughead sighed and stepped between the two before either one ends up punching the other.

"Jasmine, meet Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea, meet Jasmine. Jasmine needs a place to stay so I am going to help her with that. If you have a problem with that, I am sure Jasmine will be more than happy to show you that she doesn't take shit from anybody," Jughead explained, already drained from the negative energy. Sweet Pea just scoffed and turned around as Jasmine chuckled lightly and turned back towards the pair. 

"Thanks, Juggie," Jasmine said with a bright smile. Without waiting for Jughead to invite her inside, Jasmine walked inside of her dark-haired friend trailer. 

"Yeah, sure. Come inside. I am more than happy to have you over. Thanks for asking." Jughead said sarcastically. Toni laughed at the two as she followed Jasmine.

"I already like her," Toni stated. Jughead just shook his head and closed his trailer door. 

Jasmine looked towards Jughead couch and saw Sweet Pea sitting there with another person sitting next to him. "Damn, Juggie. When did you get so popular?" Jasmine said with a smirk. Jughead just scoffed and walked toward the chair. Jasmine just tossed her bag onto the ground and plopped down on the ground. Jasmine looked up and saw that everyone was looking at her. "What?" 

"Are you going to explain why you, a northsider, is at the Southside asking for some fucking shelter?" Sweet Pea asked sharply. Jasmine put her hands up like as a gesture for surrendering. 

"Alright alright. No need for the profanity," Jasmine started saying, "Soooo, you guys know how Fred Andrews got shot at Pop's?" Jasmine asked. They all nodded, even though they were Southsiders they still hear the news of what happens at the Northside. "Well, Fred is my dad. And in case you didn't notice, I am sort of an outcast at the Northside. I smoke, I don't wear all the fancy clothes and I don't wear bright colors. The generic, 'I'm not like most girls'," Jasmine said with slight discomfort at the last part, she personally didn't care for the popular saying as she thought girls were girls no matter their personalities and likes. "I get in fights and I am one of the most sarcastic person you will ever know. Well, that causes a lot of people to judge. And that made some rumors to start. People kept saying that I hired someone to shoot my dad. And well, that got me angry. And I didn't want to do anything that I would regret so I needed a break. And in order for that break, I need somewhere that isn't filled with people that will constantly point at me. And that place is here." Jasmine explained with a smile. Jughead looked shocked for a minute. 

"Wow. Okay. Ummm...yeah. You can stay here. Just, don't get arrested or something," Jughead finally said after a few minutes of silence in the air. Jasmine scoffed. 

"Pfft. You should know me by now. I never get caught." Jasmine replied with a smirk. The unknown man and Toni looked at each other with a smirk clearly noticeable on both of their faces.

"We are going to get along just fine," Toni said with a smile. The unknown man smiled as well while Sweet Pea just scoffed and avoided Jasmine's eyes. Sweet Pea was extremely reluctant of being nice to Jasmine. After all, in his book she was still a northsider. But what Sweet Pea didn't know, was that she isn't going to be just a northsider. She is going to be something else. Something extraordinary in his life. That's a fact. 

EDITED: 9/8/20

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