Fiery Red Pt.4

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Just like with Jughead, Jasmine has been staying at Sweet Peas for the past few days

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Just like with Jughead, Jasmine has been staying at Sweet Peas for the past few days. The always-fighting duo was unsure how to feel about the situation. Even though it seems likes Sweet Pea hated her guts, he still wouldn't feel right about her sleeping in the streets or in a home where she felt unwanted. So he sucked it up and offered up his couch to her. 

As promised, Sweet Pea came up with a set of rules for her to follow while she was staying with him. When she first started staying over, she was given a piece of paper with this set of rules. 

"Okay, here are the rules as promised," he said while handing a crumpled-up sheet of paper to her. 

Jasmine scoffed while taking the paper from him, "No good morning Jasmine? What about a, how did you sleep?  My personal favorite is, would you like some coffee?" she sarcastically asked, her not being a happy morning person. All he did was turn around, ignoring her comments, and walking into his room. Jasmine rolled her eyes and flipped him off behind his back, although it wasn't as satisfying seeing as he couldn't see her flip him off. Jasmine got off the couch and started the coffee pot while looking at the dreadful paper. 

1: Do not go into my room for any reason

2: Do not touch anything that belongs to me, I will know

3: Do not touch my food in the fridge, I will invest in sticky notes to put on containers

4: If you need any feminine products, ask toni for some 

5: No parties will be thrown

6: Rules could be added by both parties

7: If rules are broken, you will be thrown out

After Jasmine read all the rules, she groaned in frustration. She hated that there were rules she had to follow, she didn't play well with rules. She put it on the counter and took a gulp out of the coffee pot, an action she immediately regretted after she burned her tongue. 

Fast forward a couple of nights, Jasmine was currently scrolling on her phone as she was trying to fall asleep. Soon, she heard a loud bang as if someone slammed shut a door and a loud groan coming from Sweet Pea's room. Jasmine took out her cheap headphones and sat up on the couch. She wiped her eyes with her hands, trying to wake herself up some more. "Fucking shit!" was soon heard from the occupied room. She sighed and jumped out of her makeshift bed, which was the couch, and walked over to the closed door. Her first instinct was to barge in, but knowing that Sweet Pea made Rule #1, she stuck with knocking on the door. 

"Yo! You okay over there?" Jasmine loudly asked. She heard another bang, this time sounding like someone dropped something, come from the other side of the door. 

"Yeah, I'm good. Go away." the man said in a voice that sounded like it hurt to talk. Jasmine raised her eyebrow at this and sighed. Even though she knew she was breaking a rule, she opened the door. As she said, she didn't play well with rules. Once the door was open without resistance, she took a quick glance inside and was shocked to see what was inside. 

"Shit dude!" Jasmine yelled out in shock, "what the fuck happened?" Jasmine ran towards the other that was sitting on the edge of his bed, who was also currently glaring at Jasmine for coming inside the room, "are you okay?" she asked as she continuously glanced at his injuries. All he did was glare and wave her off with a flick of his hand, insuring her that he was fine. Jasmine only rolled her eyes and looked around the messy room, "where's your first aid kit?" Sweet Pea rolled his eyes and gestured towards the bathroom nearby. Jasmine nodded and walked over to the bathroom and started looking for the kit. She had found it on the counter, already open with little supplies, her knowing that it was most likely used often. Probably every other day, knowing the man. She grabbed it and walked back into the room where Sweet Pea was waiting. "Sit up," she demanded when she made eye contact with him. He hesitantly listened, not wanting to fight with her tonight. She scanned over his body, observing the damage that was done. Seemed like it was only a few cuts, a bruised eyes, and a cut lip based on what she could see. 

Due to her sleep-deprived state, without thinking, she sat on his lap while facing him. "What the fuck? What are you doing?" he immediately asked when she sat on his lap. Jasmine ignored him and opened up the box that contained bandages, q-tips, peroxide, and ointment to help with the healing. Instead of arguing, Sweet Pea rolled his eyes and set his hands on either side of him, not wanting to overstep boundaries by resting them on her waist or thighs. She grabbed the bottle of peroxide and dipped the q-tip in it and started cleaning the blood of the cuts on his face. Once the q-tip met the wounds each time, he would hiss which resulted in Jasmine rolling her eyes. When she was done with the peroxide, she grabbed the ointment. She squeezed the tube and squeezed some onto her pointer finger. She put the ointment on each cut, saving the cut on his lip for last. Finally, she had no more cuts to put ointment on except for one, which was his lip. 

She cleared her throat and put some ointment on her pointer finger. She glanced at Sweet Pea for a quick second, who was silent with no arguments and watching her with softened eyes and went back to her task. Once she softly starting putting some ointment on, she felt her heart start to quicken. She hoped to god that the other couldn't hear the change of her heart, even though he was in his own thoughts and wasn't paying attention. 

Instead, he was looking at her with a new set of eyes. He noticed things he hadn't noticed before, too caught up in being a stubborn jackass. Thing like the way her eyes sparkled as if you were looking at diamonds. Or the way she would bite her bottom lip in concentration. Or that her hands were freezing cold like ice and all he wanted to do was take them and warm them up with his own set of hands. Or how when she released her bottom lip, it stayed red for a minute. Or how plump they looked and what it would feel like if he set his lips on hers. He wondered if he would feel fireworks like those romance books or chick flicks that he would hear about it. 

After a couple of minutes of Jasmine cleaning up his cuts, she was done. She leaned back, still on his lap, and scanned over his face with satisfaction. While she is looking over his face, she couldn't help but notice how handsome he really was. With all their fighting, it was hard to notice anything else except for their insults thrown at each other. Though, with him still looking at her, she took the time to notice new things she hadn't seen before. Things such as how dark his hair was and how soft it looked. She wondered how it would feel like when she runs her hand through it and how he would react if she tugged at the hair on the nape of his neck. She also noticed how even though there was a cut on his lip, it would feel like against her. Would she feel those fireworks that she longed for since she started dating? Or would she be met with disappointment and rejection? 

So, with both of them in a state of wonderment, they stared into each other's eyes, both of them searching for answers. Without thinking, he brought his hand upon her soft cheek while Jasmine glanced at his lips every second. He slid his hand back toward the nape of her neck with his thumb still on her cheek, rubbing her soft skin, and pulled her closer towards him. Jasmine complied and didn't resist his movement. She softly sighed, her minty breath from brushing her teeth earlier, hitting his lips. She closed her eyes as he does the same. 

Edited: 9/27/21

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