The Topaz Siblings

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Toni Topaz, the female serpent that wouldn't be afraid to kick your ass

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Toni Topaz, the female serpent that wouldn't be afraid to kick your ass. Everyone knows her. Though no one knows about her sister, Y/n Topaz. 


"Hey Toni," Y/n starts to say with hesitation, "you sure about this?" All Toni did was laugh and hooked her arm with her sister. Toni wasn't worried, she was there in case anything was to go wrong. She would protect her sister with her life if there was ever a time for it. 

"Relax Y/n," Toni said while they were walking towards the entrance of the infamous bar, "take a big deep breath in and out," she instructed the other, who did what she asked, "I will be there if anything were to go wrong. And if we get separated then wait in a corner and I will find you." Toni said, already knowing what Y/n's biggest concern is. Them separating and Y/n getting put in a position that wouldn't be the best. 

Y/n nodded and clutched on her phone that was in her other hand tighter as if it would protect her from everyone and everything. Without saying anything else, Toni continued to drag her sister towards the front door, excited that she was sharing this part of her life with the person that meant the most to her. 

Once they entered through the front door, Toni let go of Y/n's arm and whooped in excitement, "Toni Topaz is back!" she yelled out. She grabbed Y/n's hand this time and pulled her to the bar, Y/n following hesitantly while looking around her. Toni plopped down onto one of the stools, patting the seat next to her after letting go of the others hand. Y/n sighed and sat next to her, hoping that she wouldn't be as tense after sitting down. "Two glasses of water, please. No lemon for one of them," Toni said to the bartender. Y/n didn't like lemon, she never had and probably never will. She preferred the taste of sweets rather than sour or bitter. 

Once they got their waters after a minute or two, Toni turned towards her sister, "since we are here, up to meeting my friends?" Y/n shrugged, she wasn't really feeling up to meeting new people and interacting with others, a task that she never really enjoyed. She wasn't a people person and enjoyed the time to herself. She noticed early on in life that not everyone is kind to others, a fact that prevented her from coming out of her shell. 

Y/n sighed and grabbed her glass of water, taking a quick sip of it, "sure, let's go meet your friends," she said with a small smile. Toni smiled excitedly, knowing that her sister was pushing herself out of her shell for her. Toni grabbed her glass and started making her way to the pool table, where Fangs and Sweet Pea resided. 

While Y/n was being dragged, she took a quick minute to observe more of the environment that she was in. She noticed most of them with jackets that had the same logo that Toni always wore. She noticed all of the alcoholic drinks around her, her wish that she could take a quick shot to keep her sane at the moment.  Before she could realize it, she was already in front of two guys, both with looks that Y/n could appreciate, "Fangs, Sweet Pea, I want you to meet someone." Toni said with a happy tone in her voice, "this is my sister, Y/n." Toni gestured to the girl next to her. Y/n gave them a quick wave with a timid smile causing one of them to step forward and give her a bigger smile back. 

"Hey, I'm Fangs." the shorter guy said while bringing his hand out for a handshake. Y/n looked at Toni for a second, hoping to find some comfort in her sister. Toni gave her a comforting smile and gestured towards Fangs, mentally telling her that she had nothing to worry about. Y/n nodded and turned back towards him, and gave him a handshake with a bigger smile than before. 

Meanwhile, the taller one, Y/n assuming this one was Sweet Pea, was staring at her with a glint in his eyes. A glint that Y/n had no clue what it mean. Fangs nudged him awkwardly, hoping he would do something, seeing as he was only staring. Sweet Pea coughed as he tried to say something, "You're really beautiful." Yeah, he definitely should have kept his mouth shut. 

Once those words slipped out of his mouth and he realized what he said, he slightly blushed and coughed again, hoping it would fill the awkward silence that followed. Fangs laughed and pushed Sweet Pea in amusement, knowing that this was going to be interesting. Toni rolled her eyes but also observed Y/n's reaction, which consisted of her turning bright red and look down at the floor with a small smile, "this will be fun." she said with a smirk. 

Edited: 9/28/21

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