Wrong Side Part 2

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"One, do NOT call me northside princess. I am NOTHING like those stuck up asses. And second, you should tell me unless you want a brand new black eye." she said threateningly. He just surrendered and nodded his head slowly.

"They are the ghoulies." he finally answered while pointing


Y/n grinned widely and dropped her bag onto the floor. She nodded her head and straightened her back up with confidence. She headed straight to the table with the group of people that have the suspicious look on their face. Jughead sat down in his chair instead of the table, sinking down into his seat. He covered his face, not wanting to see any this. But Sweet Pea, on the other hand, smirked while looking intently at the scene in front of his face. He was waiting to see what the Northsider was planning on doing. "Hey! Are you the ghoulies?" she loudly exclaimed. One of the people who seemed like the leader stood up with a smirk on his face.

"And? What if we are? Do you want to have some fun?" the ghoulie said with a cocky tone in his voice. Y/n raised her eyebrow, as she was offended at what he said. She crossed her arms and scoffed in disbelief.

"What did you say? Please tell me I heard you wrong." Y/n said sternly. The ghoulie just smirked and stood closer to her and touched her arm with his grubby hands. Before he could touch her even more, she pushed him away with a lot of force and stepped back. He fell onto his back with a loud thump following after. "Do NOT touch me ever again! You are a piece of shit that thinks you're all that when you are not. I don't know who's worse, the Bulldogs or you!" she yelled out in disgust. As she was yelling, Sweets and the rest of the Serpents noticed her yelling and all looked over. Sweets sat up straighter and looked at the scene while furrowing his eyebrows. He turned towards Jughead who also seemed to be looking at the scene that was happening in front of them.

"Jughead, what the fuck is happening over there?! Is she planning on getting herself killed just by herself?!" Sweet Pea yelled out in concerned without knowing that was what he was doing. Jughead just laughed and looked down. He shook his head.

"No, she isn't planning on getting herself killed or whatever. She's standing up for me and threatening them to make sure that they don't touch me, or the other Serpents," Jughead explained calmly. Sweet Pea raised his eyebrow in confusion, questions on why he said the other serpents. They didn't do anything for her. Why should she protect them? Before he could continue he endless thoughts, he was interrupted by groaning.

"And NEVER touch Jughead or any of the other Serpents EVER AGAIN! Understood!?" Y/n viciously yelled out at the male that was on the ground, covering his junk in pain. The man just nodded his head slowly, incapable of saying anything due to the pain that she caused him. Y/n smirked in achievement and cleared her throat. She walked back over to the group that was looking at the previous scene in shock, not understanding on how a northsider could possibly do something like that. "What? Is there something on my face?" she asked as they looked at her with eyes wide and mouth open. Jughead grinned happily and jumped out of his seat. He stood next to her and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her temple in a brotherly way as if saying thank you.

"I suppose you should get going, huh?" Y/n nodded her head and sighed.

"Yep. Alright, well make sure to text me. And tell me when you get hurt again. Love you Juggie." Y/n said while grabbing her bag off the ground. As she was gathering her stuff, Jughead turned to the tall, black haired male that seemed like he was staring into space.

"Hey, Pea. Can you walk her out? I don't want her to get hurt. You know how people are." Jughead asked. Sweets shook his head out of his own little world and sighed. He nodded his head and stood onto his feet. He turned towards the girl that seemed like she was waiting for them to finish their conversation.

"Are you ready?" he simply asked. She nodded her head and waved goodbye to her black haired best friend.

"Bye Juggie, love you. Don't do anything illegal. Or if you do, make sure that you don't get caught doing it," she said to Jughead. Jughead smiled and nodded his head while Sweet Pea sighed impatiently. She heard him sigh so she rolled her eyes and turned towards the other. "What?" Sweet Pea just shook his head and looked down at his feet. Y/n scoffed and started walking out of the high school annoyed with the boys actions. Jughead chuckled and put his hand on his right shoulder.

"Good luck. She is in one of her moods after what just happened," Jughead explained in a snarky tone. Sweet Pea rolled his eyes and shrugged off his hand. He started walking out of the high school as well, hoping that he could catch up to Y/n. He finally caught up to the girl, out of breath due to the fact that she was farther ahead than him.

"You do not have to walk me all the way to Riverdale High. You can just leave," she said while still looking ahead, not in the mood for talking to anyone. Sweet Pea shrugged and didn't respond. At the sound of silence, Y/n turned to her right to see Sweet Pea still next to her, with a straight face. "Hey, go back. I don't need you." Sweet Pea just kept on walking without replying back. She just groaned and decided to ignore the tall male next to her. "Sooo...how long have you been a serpent?" the girl asked, deciding to make some sort of conversation. The male just ignored her, also trying to ignore the fast beating of his heart. "Well, that failed."

"Since I was 15." Sweet Pea stated. Y/n raised her eyebrows in confusion which he noticed. "I have been a serpent since I was 15 years old. I needed a family. A loyal family in my life and that was the serpents. They taught me how to protect myself and others. And I will forever be grateful for that." he explained without looking at the girl beside him. Y/n nodded her head slowly, processing the words. "How long have you been friends with Jones?" he decided to ask, trying to fill the awkward silence with more questions. Y/n grinned at the mention of her black haired best friend, the best friend that seemed more like a brother than anything else.

"I have known that loser since I was 5 years old." Sweet Pea opened his mouth in shock that they both have known each other for a long time. Y/n nodded her head, noticing his actions. "Yep. Our moms were good friends and so they decided that their children might be just as good of friends. And that's what happened. Probably even better considering the circumstances." Y/n explained.

"What circumstances? His mom leaving?" Sweet Pea asked. She nodded her head, signifying that he was correct.

"Yeah, with his mom leaving meant that she also left my mom. Which they both promised each other that they wouldn't leave each other. Well, at least tell the other. But she didn't. She just left without telling my mom, which my mom will probably forever hold a grudge on her for. But my mom and his dad are good friends though." Sweet Pea nodded his head, following along the story of the Jones and Y/L/N family. But soon noticed her words.

"Wait, you know FP?" he asked in a confused tone of voice. Y/n laughed lightly and nodded her head in confirmation. "You are positive that you are not a serpent?"

"As positive as one can be. I am NOT gonna do that sexist serpent dance thingy." she said in a stern voice. Sweet Pea nodded his head in agreement.

"Well you are definitely cut out to be a serpent. You are practically a Toni 2.0." Y/n laughed and nodded her head.

"Well, here we are. Thank you for walking me here." Y/n said with a smile on her face facing towards the attractive male. Sweet Pea smiled back at her and nodded his head, basically saying your welcome. "See ya. And if you want to, get my number from Jones. Call me sometime and maybe we can talk more." Y/n said with a smirk and went up on her tip toes and kissed his cheeks. Y/n walked off to the entrance of her designated school and opened the entrance and walked in with Sweet Peas eyes following her. Sweet Pea felt his cheeks warm up and coughed, looking around to make sure that a serpent wasn't hiding in a bush or something.

"What an interesting girl." he said and smirked. He shook his head and turned around, going to walk back to Southside High, aiming to get the girls number.

A/n: I AM SO SORRY THAT THIS TOOK ME SO LONG! I have been so busy with school and the last few days and trying to get my grades up and I am so done with poems and ready to make more fanfiction. I hope that this was good and not bad. I tried on this. 

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