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Y/n has a seizure at school and people crowd around her. Sweet Pea hears about it and gets worried and visits her; Requested by -cheeryclifford
(Also warning, I don't know anything about seizures. Never had one, never seen one so if I get anything wrong please tell me so I can change it also if anything related to seizures makes you upset, trigger warning)

"I am perfectly fine," Y/n said as she rolled her eyes "you don't have to worry about me," she said as she held her books tightly against her chest. Sweet Pea looked at her sternly. "I promise." Sweet Pea sighed and nodded his head. He intertwined his hand with her free one and pulled her close to him. He closed his eyes and rested his chin on top of her head. 

"I just want to make sure that you will stay safe and okay. It's your first time coming to the northside." Y/n laughed and nodded her head "now get to class alright?" 

"Shouldn't I be the one telling you that?" Sweet Pea shrugged and just pecked her lips and said goodbye. Once he left, Y/n went to her first class which was AP English. Once she entered the classroom, she all of a sudden felt dizzy. She shook her head hoping that it went away but unfortunately it didn't. She just shook it off and went to a free seat that didn't look like it was taken. As soon as she sat down, she felt her arm jerk causing her to drop her books on the desk loudly. Everyone that was in the classroom turned around to see what caused the loud sound and what they saw caused most of them to gasp and look on in worry.

Y/n was on the ground, unconscious. There was froth coming out of her mouth as she started grunting and having muscle spasms. "Call for help idiots!" someone loudly called out as people started crowding around her, curious about what was happening. "Move out of the way!" was heard as the nurse ran in to see. The nurse put Y/n on her side and moved everyone out of the way. "Move the desks away from her!" they all did what they were told, afraid as they have never seen anything like it. 

Many minutes has passed and Y/n was now in the nurse's office waiting for her guardian to pick her up from school. "Where is Y/n!?" a loud, rough voice asked loudly. The office lady pointed towards the nurse's office and Sweet Pea ran in. Once he came in, he saw Y/n laying down on the bed and worry came over him. "Oh baby girl," he worriedly said. Y/n smiled softly and waved her hand as a greeting, "are you okay? I heard what happened." he said as he climbed in the too small of a bed with her. 

"Yeah. It was just a small seizure," she mumbled as she snuggled close to her boyfriend. Sweet Pea ran his large hand through her soft hair and kissed the top of her head "were you worried?" Y/n asked.

"Of course I was! I was worried sick!" Sweet Pea exclaimed. Y/n grinned and snorted. 

"Well, I am fine now. I promise." 

A/n: Aghhh I hope that was okay and not too bad. I know I had made it somewhat short but I wasn't entirely sure on how to write it so I just kinda wrote whatever came up so that's that. Hope you liked it! -cheeryclifford 

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