Fiery Red Part.5

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For a couple of seconds, neither of them made the next step

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For a couple of seconds, neither of them made the next step. So with the new tense environment, they both start to become nervous. Jasmine, with her heart feeling like it will beat out of her chest, awkwardly coughed and got off his lap and stood up straight. With bright red cheeks she took a few steps backward to increase the distance between the two of them and looked down at her sock-clad feet while rubbing her neck. 

Sweet Pea only stared at her, still sitting on the edge of the bed, with thousands of thoughts running through his head. The most prominent thought being was to kiss her. So, he stood up and walked towards her. He brought his hand up to her waist with newfound confidence and pulled her closer to him. 

Jasmine's eyes widened with her mouth slightly open in shock, not understanding what was happening. Sweet Pea closed his eyes and closed the gap between the both of them. Without responding, Jasmine's eyes widened. Wanting to get a reaction out of her, Sweet Pea lightly squeezed her waist. Jasmine snapped out of her shock and closed her eyes, then started moving her lips in sync with his. Once feeling her start to respond, Sweet Pea smirked, his lips still connected to hers, and deepened the kiss. Bringing his right hand up to her neck, moving her hair, and rubbing his thumb behind her ear, he brought her closer to his body with his left hand, though it seemed like there wasn't much space left between them both. 

With both in a trance, they hadn't noticed the knocking at the front door. So they were both surprised to hear the door suddenly slammed open. They pulled away from each other even though all they had wanted to do was be close to the other. Once they were out of their trance, they noticed the infamous trio standing in front of them, each with a knowing smirk. "This is not what it looks like," Jasmine said with both of her hands up in a surrendering motion. 

Toni scoffed with a roll of her eyes, "Really now? So both of you weren't just locking lips a second ago?" Jasmine coughed with a red face, knowing that she was caught in a lie. "Just get your asses in the living room," Toni replied with a smirk, walking off with Fangs and Jughead behind her like they were ducklings following their mother. Jasmine only sighed and closed her eyes, now coming to realize what happened. While Sweet Pea smirked and lightly pushed up her chin with his hand, causing her to open her eyes and meet eyes with him.

Wanting to get straight to the point, Sweet Pea asked, "Why did you kiss me back?", his eyes searching a sign from her, hoping to find what he was looking for. Jasmine only stared back at him with eyes sparkling, not giving him a response. "Listen, I like you. I was a jackass to you, I know, so I wasn't exactly giving you signals, but I really do like you. I like how your eyes sparkle as if I am looking at a diamond, I like how you bite your bottom lip while you're concentrating on something, and I like how when I insult you, you don't take it and you insult me back, which is what I deserve. You're really fucking beautiful and I have thought that since I first met you," Sweet Pea started to say, still looking in her eyes, "you don't have to give me an answer straight away, especially how I have been treating you and we met not that long ago, but will you consider being my girlfriend?" he finished saying. He waited for a couple of seconds, still staring at her, but not receiving an answer back which resulted in him losing his confidence and nerves being taken over, "of course, if not, that is completely fine. No pressure. We can be friends and keep the insults to the minimum if you want?" 

Jasmine shook her head with a smile and continued looking in his eyes, looking for any sign of a lie. Not finding any, she pushed herself up till she met his lips with hers. Sweet Pea grinned into the kiss and brought his hand up to her face once again. Jasmine pulled away slightly so she could respond to his earlier question, "take that as your answer," she said with a smirk before she licked her lips and was met with a bitter taste, "though let's not kiss until your lip is healed cause ointment doesn't exactly taste the best," she said with a disgusted face. 

Sweet Pea only laughed and brought her into a hug, his head resting in the crook of her neck, "sure, as long as I can call you mine and you're my fiery red," he said with a kiss on her neck. 

Edited: 9/27/21

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