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G&G. Gryphons and Gargoyles. A game that could potentially ruin someone's life. But a game that many could become so obsessed with that it becomes a part of them. Sweet Pea has played it but after he was told not to by his significant other Y/n he stops. Yet, Y/n doesn't even listen to their own advice when they got caught up in the game by the one and only Jughead Jones.


"I told you Sweet Pea. I refuse to let you get so caught up in this game that you die!" Y/n yells out in frustration. "I don't know what to do if you die!" Sweet Pea threw up his hands in disbelief.

"Y/n, I told you that I am careful! I'll be fine," he said, "I promise." Y/n sighed and looked at the ground, thinking of what to do so he doesn't end up getting hurt. After many minutes they realized what to do.

"If you don't stop playing this game I will break up with you." Y/n threatened. Sweet Pea just looked at them with incredulity (I hope I used this word right. I'm trying to expand my vocabulary).

"You wouldn't dare," he glared at the other "you would be heartbroken." Y/n looked at him with soft eyes.

"I would rather be heartbroken than you dead. A broken heart can partially be fixed while a dead body can't be revived," they said so softly that Sweet Pea almost didn't hear them. Sweet Pea looked at them with so much love that it was almost disgusting to someone single. After a few seconds, he nodded his head.

"Okay," he whispered "okay." He went up to them and brought them into his arms and rested his chin on top of their head. He hugged them so tightly that they felt like they wouldn't be able to breathe. 


True to his word, Sweet Pea had not played G&G. Yes, there are times when he has a sudden urge to get back to it and start going on quests once again with his friends, but he would much rather keep his healthy relationship than playing a not so healthy game. 

Even though Sweet Pea had stopped, Y/n had begun playing the game just as much as their boyfriend used to. Maybe even more. They started when Jughead Jones confronted Y/n about banning Sweet Pea. Jones needed another player and had begged Y/n to at least try it once. Annoyed with the dark-haired serpent, they agreed. But they would have not done such a thing if they had known how addicting and intriguing the game truly was. The game had piqued the y/h/c haired interest. Before they could do anything about it, they were too far deep into it. They were so deep into it that their boyfriend had noticed quite a bit of difference in his significant other. They were always disappearing and had started talking to Jughead more and more and Sweet Pea less and less. Which caused him to suspect something.

"Sweet Pea, I agreed to meet up with Jughead and I'm going to be late." Y/n immediately started to say as soon as they had entered the residence of the other. Sweet Pea scoffed and shook his head. 

"Which is why I wanted to talk to you," he started. He looked up from his large hands and stared at the other "why the frick are you spending so much time with Jones?" he asked with extreme hostility. Y/n raised their eyebrow in question. They whispered what quietly. "Are you cheating on me?" he asked sharply, "tell me right now. I want to know."

Y/n scoffed and shook their head. Tears started to gather in their eyes. "What makes you think that I am cheating on you?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that you keep on disappearing. Running off to Jughead!" Sweet Pea yelled out as he stood up, face red with anger. "You're spending more time with Betty's boyfriend than your own!" Y/n threw their bag on to the floor.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you Sweet Pea!"

Sweet Pea sighed and glared at the other in frustration "Maybe we should break up." Sweet Pea sharply said. Y/n gasped and felt tears starting to gather in their eyes. "If you like Jughead better than maybe you should run off to him and try to grab his attention."

Y/n shook their head, not believing a word that was being said. "Are you being serious right now?" they asked. Sweet Pea nodded his head sternly, not changing his mind. "Okay." they whispered. As tears continued to fall down their red cheeks from their just as red, swollen eyes they picked up their bag from the ground and exited out of the door. But before they closed the door, they said one last thing. "I never cheated on you. I love you too much. I only got addicted" and with that one last sentence, the door was closed with Sweet Pea on the other side of it, sobbing loudly and unable to contain his anger. Y/n on the other side quietly sobbing and slowly walking back home, unable to fully process what happened.

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