Fiery Red Pt.3

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For the past few days, Jasmine has been staying in Jughead's trailer

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For the past few days, Jasmine has been staying in Jughead's trailer. During this time, she had gotten closer to the serpents that she met on that day where she showed up on Jughead's doorstep. She had learned that the unknown serpent was Fang. Even though Jughead is still her best friend, she often finds times where she prefers Toni's company over others. 

While Jasmine has gotten along with the other three serpents, there was still one serpent that she doesn't get along with. Sweet Pea. She tries to at least be on her best behavior around him due to the fact that she knows it would make the situation awkward, but that doesn't mean that Sweet Pea will cooperate. 24/7 he will throw endless insults at her. So she dropped the act and decided to treat him like how he treats her. 

Like Jasmine thought, the other three were tired of them and their arguments and if they had to endure another argument, someone might end up with a missing body part. So instead of removing a body part from their friends, they decided to come up with a plan instead.

"Wait," Jasmine started while staring at Jughead in disbelief, "what do you mean you can't let me stay here any longer?" 

Jughead looked down at his feet in an act of sadness, "I'm sorry Jasmine but I just can't have another person to worry about in the trailer," he softly said. At this response, Jasmine groaned and threw herself onto the run-down couch. While Jasmine was having her personal pity party, a knock was heard at the front door. "Come in!" Jughead yelled out. 

"Hey, Jones! You get rid of that northsider yet?" Sweet Pea yelled out once he stepped foot inside of the trailer. Jasmine rolled her eyes and groaned in annoyance knowing that Jughead was in fact getting rid of her. At this point, she was more annoyed that Sweet Pea was right. 

"Unfortunately, I just can't have Jasmine stay here any longer. I can't afford it." Jughead said with a frown planted on his mouth. With the news, Sweet Pea instantly smirked while looking at the redhead still on the couch. In his mind, he won this mini-feud that the two were having. 

Toni and Fangs tried hard to prevent a smile from coming up on their face, knowing that Jasmine and Sweet Pea had no clue what their plan was, so instead Toni nudged the redhead on the couch to get her attention, "Hey Andrews. How do you feeling about staying at Sweet Peas?" Once the words were said, Sweet Pea instantly stopped grinning while Jasmine shot up at the question. Without them noticing, Fangs and Jughead gave each other a fist bump as their plan was being set in motion. 

"What?" the fighting duo asked in unison. 

Jughead and Fangs nodded their head as if they were thinking, "It isn't the worst idea. Sweet Pea lives alone so he has the room and you don't exactly have anywhere else to go unless you wanna go back to the Northside." Fangs informed the two while Jughead agreed. Sweet Pea turned back towards Fangs with a glare as if to say shut the fuck up. Fangs only shrugged with a smirk, enjoying this situation more than he probably should. 

Jasmine thought about it for a couple of seconds and turned towards Jughead, "Are you positive that I can't stay here?" Jughead nodded with a frown. So Jasmine closed her eyes and sighed, knowing that the next words out of her mouth will kill her mentally, "Can I please stay with you?" she asked once she turned back towards Sweet Pea with a solemn face. He shook his head no with a smirk. Toni and Jughead glared at the man, both ready to resort to violence if needed. He still didn't budge and only shrugged his shoulders, not caring. This caused Fangs to stand next to the pair and raise his eyebrows with a glare towards him. Finally, Sweet Pea groaned and turned towards the redhead on the couch who was also glaring at him. 

"Okay, fine," he stated which caused Jasmine to grin, "but! You can't stay for too long, okay? I don't need you pestering me all day. And we will invest in rules, understood?" Jasmine, with a grin still on her face, nodded her head and leaned back on the couch, satisfied she doesn't have to go back home. While Sweet Pea was shaking his head, in denial that he just agreed to this, the other trio smirked at each other and gave each other a fist bump. 

Edited: 9/27/21

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