Wrong Side

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She was born on the wrong side of the tracks. She was born on the Northside of Riverdale when she really should have been born on the Southside. Her name is Y/n and she is one of the best friends of Jughead Jones. Her and Jug are very similar in ways. But when Jug had to attend Southside High instead of Riverdale High, Y/n had to attend Riverdale High all alone. So she decided to bring it upon herself to visit Jughead at his new school but she was not planning on meeting a Northside hating Serpent


"What do you mean?" she asked the black haired boy. He sighed and looked at his lap, not really wanting to explain to his best friend that he will be leaving her all alone in the horrid school. "Jughead. What the fuck do you mean?" she asked more boldly.  

"I am going to start attending Southside High instead of Riverdale High." Jughead explained without looking up at the other. Y/n nodded her head slowly, not wanting to be alone with fake people that bully others to make themselves feel good. "I'm sorry Y/n. I don't want to go. I don't want to leave you alone with all those jocks and such but I have to." Jughead tried to explain himself. Y/n just nodded her head and stood up from where she was sitting. 

"It's fine. I will manage for a few weeks and figure something out. I need to go though. I love you Juggie. Don't do anything stupid over there though." she said while grabbing her bag off of the ground. Jughead nodded and stood up as well. He opened his arms, gesturing for a hug. Y/n laughed and brought her body into his arms. He enclosed his arms around her waist, holding her close to him, not wanting to let go. "Alright, I gotta head home. I will see you soon." she said while removing herself from him while exiting the room. Jughead just sighed and sat back down.

"Wait. What does she mean by soon?" Jughead asked himself.

Many days have passed since Y/n has seen Jughead. But in those days, Y/n has been trying to convince herself to go through her plan.  Which is why she is where she is right now. In front of Southside High. Y/n sighed and tightened her grasp on the strap of her bag. She stood up straight and walked through the two front doors. She was met with metal detectors and security guards. "Please put your belongings in this box." the tall man said in a monotone voice. Y/n raised her perfectly plucked eyebrows but still followed directions. She did it with ease and grabbed her bag out of the box she was provided with. She nodded her head to the guard and went on her way. She looked around the school, hoping she will achieve her goal of finding her black haired best friend. After a few minutes of looking around, she finally came across the lunchroom. She opened the door and was met with another interesting sight. Multiple different groups. One group was filled with multiple people with devilish smirks, an all-black outfit with a suspicious look. Another group was filled with not a certain type of look. Just random people with no group. The loners. Then there was the last group. The group with leather jackets and leather boots. The Southside Serpents were placed on the back of their jackets. But that wasn't what caught Y/n attention. The thing that caught her attention wasn't a thing but a person. Her best friend. "Jughead Jones!" The male turned around at the yell of his name. Once he saw who called his name, his eyes widened.

"Y/n?" he asked in a soft tone. The girl just glared and stormed over to the group that he was in. "Shit." he said once he realized that he was going to get it.

"Hey, Jughead. Who is that girl?" the tall male known as Sweet Pea asked with a raised eyebrow and smirk. "You know her?" Y/n got there in time to hear Sweet Pea say those words so she responded to his question.

"Yes, he does know me. Although, I do think he forgot about me because I have yet to receive some sort of message notifying me that he was okay." she said in a strict tone, not in a mood for joking around. Sweet Pea just raised his hands up in a surrendering gesture. Once she realized that he wasn't going to say anything else, she turned to the boy she came here for. "And you! How dare you not message me! Especially when I specifically said before I left for you to text me every day! Do you know how worried I was that some person was going to beat you up?! No! You do not know!" she yelled out in anger. Before she can say something else, another person decided to cut into the conversation.

"Actually, he did get beat up. By the ghoulies." the female with the pink strands in her hair interrupted. Y/n turned towards Jughead with fire in her eyes. 

"You. Got. Beaten. Up. By. Ghoulies?" Y/n said slowly, making sure she heard the kind serpent correctly. Jughead just nodded his head slowly, avoiding the deathly glare. "Please tell me you did not tell Betty before me." she said while closing her eyes.

"Wellll...I did tell her I got hurt but not how." Jughead replied. Y/n just scoffed. 

"Alright. Who the fuck is The Ghoulies though?" Y/n asked with a certain venomous tone in her voice. Jughead just looked at his laps, not wanting her to know, knowing that she will beat their asses. "So you aren't going to tell me? Alright. Fine. I will do it my way. You! Who are the Ghoulies?" Y/n said as she pointed to Sweet Pea. The male smirked in response.

"Now, why should I tell you northside princess?" Sweets asked. Y/n glared at the black haired boy and cocked her eyebrow. 

"One, do NOT call me northside princess. I am NOTHING like those stuck up asses. And second, you should tell me unless you want a brand new black eye." she said threateningly. He just surrendered and nodded his head slowly. 

"They are the ghoulies." he finally answered while pointing 


Annnd that's the end. I am definitely going to make a part two. I just wasn't sure on how to continue it so imma think about how to, I just needed to update because it felt like I haven't updated in for so long. But yeah, there is going to be a part two. Love you all!

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