Enemies Part 2

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"Umm...do you possibly have a pencil I could borrow?" she whispered in a shy type of tone. "It's okay if you don't." Sweet Pea didn't respond and continued to stare, opened mouth.

"You look more beautiful up close." he whispered.

"You look more beautiful up close," he whispered. The girl smirked and raised her left eyebrow.

"Oh really now?" the girl asked cheekily. The boy just nodded, still in a daze that for some reason he could just not get out of. Fangs watched in the sidelines laughing his ass off but of course, since Southside High isn't much of a high school that particularly "cares" about education as much as the others, the teacher didn't say anything. Just continued trying to teach. Emphasize the word try. Fangs deciding to not torture the sweet boy no longer, snapped his fingers in front of his face snapping him out of his own little trance. Sweet Pea coughed and nodded his head.

"Ummm...yeah I have a pencil that you could use," he said while blushing. He reached into his leather jacket pocket and pulled out a pencil that he didn't understand why he brings it when he doesn't end up using it anyways. "Here. You can keep it. I don't use it anyways." he said while handing the girl his pencil. She nodded her head and looked down at the desk, writing words down on her black composition notebook. Sweet Pea smiled lightly, the most he has smiled since possibly in 5 months. This definitely did not go unnoticed by Fangs, especially considering he is Pea's best friend and all. Sweet Pea turned back around to face the front. Fangs nudged the other one the shoulder. Sweet Pea looked at Fangs with an irritated look noticeably on his face. "What?"

"We need to talk after class." Fangs said with a smirk. Sweet Pea just scoffed and looked back out the window spending the rest of class, which was 30 minutes, in his own little world.

Ring. Ring

Sweet Pea jolted up, sleep still noticeable in his eyes. He looked around and noticed that everyone was packing up their bags and such, signifying that class was over and it was time to go. Pea sighed and stood up and faced Fangs who was still currently in his own little dream world. He stood there for a few seconds, debating on whether he should be a good friend and wake him up or possibly leave him be.

"You know as a good friend you should most likely wake him up," a feminine voice said behind him. Pea jumped and turned around to see that Y/n was standing behind him with her backpack on back where it belongs and a smirk on her pink lips. "I mean, you could leave him there and sleep till dawn but that is something a not so good friend would do." Sweet shrugged and sighed.

"Yeah, I suppose I feel like being a good friend today." he said with a smirk following his sentence. Y/n laughed and nodded her head. "Hey, Fogarty. Wake up. It's time to go." Sweet Pea said while shrugging him. In response he got silence. He scoffed and shrugged him again but it still didn't work.

"Hey, move over. Let me try something," Y/n said while grabbing something out of the side pockets of her backpack. "I do this all the time when my siblings don't wake up. It works every single fucking time." she said while opening the cap to the water bottle that she grabbed. Sweets laughed when he realized what she was going to do. "Stand back Mr. Sweet Pea." she said with a determined tone of voice. Sweet Pea grinned and stepped back with his hands up in the air. She sighed and stepped forward to Fangs. She closed her eyes and opened them but with a smirk noticeably on her face. "I'm sorry. Not really. But that's okay." she said before finally dumping the entire bottle on to the Latino. Fangs screamed at the sudden substance that was poured on top of him. He turned towards the only people that were in the room with him and glared at them. Sweet Pea shook his head and pointed at him. Y/n didn't deny it and shrugged. "You wouldn't wake up. That was our last option." Fangs scoffed and shook his head, spraying water all over his desk. He stood up and walked towards the door.

"Let's just go," Fangs said without turning around to make sure that his other half was right behind him. Sweet Pea turned towards the other and smiled. He pointed his thumb at the male walking away from them.

"Well, I must get going," he awkwardly said. She nodded her head with a smile as well. "Alright. Well I shall see you around the school." he said with an awkward smile. Y/n nodded her head one last time, staring at the attractive male. Sweet Pea just nodded his head and turned around and walked towards his best friend. Y/n sighed and closed her eyes. She leaned onto the desk next to her out of exhaustion. She looked up at the ceiling and thought to herself.

"How can one be so fuckin attractive?" she shook her head and grabbed her bag and walked out of the classroom as well, heading to her group of friends.

Sweet Pea Imagines {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now