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Woaaaah, hey everyone. How's it been going? Its been a while huh? Well I hope everyone is doing good and I also hope everyone has bee enjoying my story, even though I am no longer writing it anymore. I still get excited when I see people comment, vote and add it to their reading list.

Unfortunately, I am still not continuing this however just last night as I was writing another new story, I looked back on this story and I realized, it's been about a year or so since I've last wrote this so I decided that now is a good time to start editing it. 

Over time I have been writing a lot of other stuff and I personally feel like my writing has gotten better, fingers crossed. So, I have made the decision to edit this a little bit and hopefully make it better to read. 

As said before, I have lost interest in Riverdale in general so I will not be writing new imagines, but simply rewriting the current imagines in different ways. I do not know when I will start editing it but most likely tonight or tomorrow as I am painting my room and do not have access to television, so I decided to take advantage of this.

I hope everyone is looking forward to this, and as stated before I have decided to write another book from the television series The Umbrella Academy, about Five Hargreeves. So please look forward to that, it will be called Arcane. 

Anyways, thank you all so much for supporting this book even though it has been discontinued. 

With much love,


Sweet Pea Imagines {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now