The nurse came to me, this time she had a wheelchair. Thank God someone had some sense. She took me back to my room and told me I was going to get a sonogram.
About 15 minutes later I was getting my sonogram. The tech asked me how far along was I. I told her when I took a test it was calculated that I was 9 weeks.... "Oh honey your not 9 weeks, your 19 weeks and your having a baby girl!" She turned the screen towards me. "Aww" I had a tear. I was scared in pain, yet seeing my baby on that screen comforted me at the same time. " I'm having a baby girl" I thought to myself as they wheeled me back to my room.
My poor husband was in the room then whole time while all this was happening. I didn't even get to see him.
A nurse came back and I ended up in the ob/gyn unit. I know I was out of it because of the pain, but homegirl started turning these corners and we dipped somewhere and before I knew it I was in a different room. Sister girl didn't even give me a chance to tell my husband we were moving.
I sat on the exam table. The nurse asked me to pee. Through gritted teeth I told her I couldn't. She wanted me to force some out. I told her she better use that sample I gave them earlier.....
I told the nurse I felt like something was coming out. "Don't Push" she told me. "I'm not pushing" I snapped. The next thing I knew something slid out of me. I looked down and seen my sac just sitting there looking like a blown up latex glove. My sac came out so fast the nurses weren't even prepared. One nurse was holding my sac while another nurse was calling for back up. While all this was going on I had no medication WHAT SO EVER!
I laid back feeling relieved. After ALL of that they then decided to inject my IV with medication. In my head I was like "I don't need it now she's out" A nurse placed my baby girl in my hands. I'm looking at her chocolate self, crying and then confused as to when my husband magically popped up by my side. A nurse told me that because she was only 19 weeks she would not make it. That crushed me! The meds kicked in and I was out.
Have Faith!
Kurgu OlmayanI am sharing a precious true story of my 2 miscarriages back to back. I lost faith, went through depression and was ready to give up.... But God! I pray this encourages someone's life. All rights reserved © Tia Bri Anna