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Tessa's POV

I hear Jake and alissa downstairs talking.
J. Ok who the bloody hell took my chocolate.
I laugh as I come downstairs with Matt.
A. Hey tess. Hey Matthew.
Alissa says hey Matthew in a baby voice.
J. Hey guys. Do you know where my chocolate is.
T. No sorry.
I go and put Matthew on his play mat and go back to Jake and Alissa.
T. Jake where's  apollo?
J. He is at Logan's today
T. Ok
J. Don't worry he won't gobble up your baby
Jake tickled me and I laughed.
T. Where did Alissa go.
We look over at Matt and see Alissa playing with him.
T. I have to ring my dad.
J. Why
T. Well firstly he doesn't know I have a baby and secondly he doesn't even know I have a boyfriend.
I. Who?
I jump.😂
T. My dad
J. Invite him over.
T. Really?
J. Yeah. Invite him today.
T. Ok. Just no pranks.
J. Sure😂
*on the phone with my dad*
T. Hi dad.
(Td-Tessa's dad)
Td. Hi honey
T. Can you come over today please.
Td. Yeah ok. I can come in five minutes oK?
T. Yeah ok.
*end phone call*
I run upstairs and put my make up on and clothes on.
I. Tessa are you ok?

My outfit

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My outfit

Ivans outfit

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Ivans outfit

Matthews outfit without the shoes

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Matthews outfit without the shoes.
*ding* *dong*
Td. Hi sweetie. Who's baby is that your holding?
T. Dad come in. Dad meet Ivan my boyfriend.
I. Hi sir.
Ivan goes to shake his hand.
Td. You hurt her i hurt you.
I. Umm ok sir.
T. Dad....this is Matthew. Our baby.
J. Is everything Ok? I heard shouting.
Td. Come here please.
Jake comes over.
Td. Have you had a go at my baby girl aswell.
J. I beg your pardon
Td. You heard.
T. DAD. I'm not a sl...
Td. Finish your sentence.
I look down at the ground sad.
T. I don't go around letting boys "have a go at me"
Td. Are you the only girl in this house.
T. No there's 2 others.
Td. Get rid of this Ivan at once. I'm taking you home.
Td. No?
T. No dad I'm happy here. You've just insulted me. Now please get out.
My dad didn't say anything. He just walked. How could he be so rude! I hand Matthew to Ivan and go upstairs.
E. What are you doing?
T. Packing
E. I can see that. But why?
T. My dad thinks I'm a slut and I have to go home and leave everyone behind.
E. Wait wait. What?
J. What are you doing?
T. Packing
J. Tessa no. You can't let him destroy you like that.
Ivan comes in.
I. Can we talk? Please.
T. Yeah.
I. In private.
T. Oh ok.
I get up and go with Ivan to the garden. We sit on the sofa out there.
I. Tessa babe. Please don't do this. I need you.
T. I'm sorry babe but you heard what he said.
I. Yeah I heard what he said but it's your choice to listen. And I guess you are...
T. No ivan. Wait.
I. Yeah.
T. I want to stay but I after what he said. I just don't feel welcome to be honest.
I. Oh.
Ivan walks back inside and I go back to my room to finish packing.
T. Where my things.
J. We put it back away.
E. Your not going.
I start to cry.
T. I don't want to. I tried my best.
J. What do you mean?
E. Wait you and Ivan just went to have little private convo.
J. What did he say
T. He just said about how it's my choice to listen to my dad and how I am listening.
J. Oh that prick. I'm going to-
T. No. Your not going to do anything. I'm already in enough drama.
E. Your not going i won't let it happen.
Jake walks out the room.
T. Wait Jake.
J. What
T. Don't... say anything.
J. Ok

Jakes POV

I go downstairs and find Ivan sitting on the sofa.
J. Hi Ivan
I. Hi. How is she?
J. Who
I. Tessa.
J. Umm. Well she's just upset.
I. You know something. What is it.
E.. Hi Ivan hi Jake.
J. Hi Emilio.
I. Hi. Now Jake tell me what is it.
E.. where's Tessa Ivan.
I. She's upstairs with Erika. Now Jake tell me
J. It's ahhh it's nothing.
E.. Oh drama. Have you guys broken up?
Ivans eyes go wide. He runs upstairs to tessas room.
I run after him and stop him from going in.
I. What are you doing?
J. Stopping you from going in duh😂
I. Why whos in there. Wait is she cheating.
J. What no.
Ivan barges past me and goes into tessas room. I go in after him.
J. You see. She's not cheating.
T. Wait you thought I was cheating on you.

Tessa's POV

Maybe my dad was right.
I. Wait no Tessa.
I walk away.
E.. Hi Tessa. What's the matter.
I run outside to my car. Why does everyone think I'm some kind of slut. I roll down my window I need air.
J. Tessa where are you going.
I. Wait tess babe. I didn't think that.
Erika gets in the car.
E. Where you going?
T. I don't know. Just away.
I drive off.
T. Do you thing I'm a slut.
E. What no. I think even if there was people paying you to go to bed with them. You would still say no.
T. 😂😂thanks?.
We go back and I get Matthew from Alissa and feed him. I then put him to bed because it was late. I go to my bed and see Ivan in it. Alissa sees too.
A. Come to room hun.
T. Ok thanks.
We go to Alissas room and I sleep in her room.

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