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Ivans POV

I wake up to the sound of Matthew crying. I go and pick him up and then relise Tessa isn't here. I change Matthews diaper and go downstairs. Everyone except Tessa is there.
I. Where's tessa? Did she go.
E. She wouldn't go without Matt.
A. She's sleeping.
I. Where.
A. In a bed
I. no shit but where.
A. No swearing!😂 shes in my bed.
I. Ok
I put Matthew on his play mat and go upstairs.
I. Tessa?
T. Hi
I. how are You?
T. Good. I'm sorry.
I. Me too. Are we still?
T. Yeah.
I. Cool.
I take tessas hand and lead her to her room.
T. No we are not😂
I take Tessa into the room, close the door.
I. Yes we are!
T. What no. Really wha-
I. Shh
I pin Tessa to the wall and kiss her neck while she takes my top off. I take all her clothes off and push her on the bed. I take my tracksuit bottoms off and slam into her. (I can't be asked to write it all(they smash))
We come out of the room and people downstairs start to cheer.
T. We didn't smash.
J. Tess we heard you guys moaning.
T. Oh fuck

Tessa's POV

I go downstairs and get some food while feeding Matthew. I put Matthew in his moses basket downstairs. And go back to making food. Ivan comes up behind me and kisses my neck.
J. JAKE PAULERS TODAY WE ARE GOING TO LIGHT SOME THINGS ON FIRE! What do we have here? Tessa and Ivan getting close.😮🤔
T. Um. Ok ok. Me and Ivan are dating!
I. Yes we are 😂
T. Oh my god
J. Now what's this Jake paulers. A baby? Who's I wonder.
T. Jake paulers I give you Matthew. I have a baby.
I. It's my baby too.
Jake goes outside to light some things on fire with chanothy. Me and Ivan go out with matthew to my mum and dad's house.
I'm wearing

Ivan is wearing

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Ivan is wearing

Matthew is wearing

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Matthew is wearing

We get Matthew in the car seat and get him and buggy in the car

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We get Matthew in the car seat and get him and buggy in the car. We get to my mum and dad's house and get the buggy out and Matthew in it.

 We get to my mum and dad's house and get the buggy out and Matthew in it

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I knock on the door and my mum answers.
Tm. Tessa hey baby. Who have brought.
I. My name's Ivan Mrs brooks. And this is Matthew.
T. Our son mum.
Tm. Wha-what? That's great!
T. What really your not mad?
Tm. I am but who cares you have a baby. HONEY TESSA'S HERE.
Td. Hi. Look tess I'm so so sooo sorry about what I said.
T. It's ok dad.
Tm. What did you say?
Td&T. Nothing.
Td. And I'm sorry Ivan
I. It's ok sir.
Tm. Ivan how old are you if you don't mind me asking.
I. I'm 18.
*text convo to Emilio*
T. Hi could you turn the heating on in 10 minutes in coming home with matthew and he's cold.
E.. Ok sure.
*end convo*
Tm. Who you texting tess.
T. Emilio. Just to ask him to put the heating on.
Tm. Emilio?
I. My twin brother.
Tm. Twin? Wow.
T. Mum we have to go bye. BYE DAD.
I. Bye
Tm. Bye guys. Bye Matthew.
We get home and I give Matthew a bottle. Then I go to sleep because I'm knackered.
I feel the covers go up and Ivan get in bed.
I. Hi
T. Hi
I. I'm not tired are you.
T. I slept a bit so not really anymore.
I. Come downstairs and watch a movie with Me?
T. Ok.
We go downstairs with covers and watch a movie. I lay my head on his shoulder and Ivan hugs me.

Jakes POV

J. Ok guys I was about to finish the vlog when I see....tivan getting close again. Ooo.
M. Waaaaa.
Tessa is about to get up.
J. I got it.
T. Thanks
J. Gives them more alone time guys *wink*
I go over to Matthew and calm him down.
J. Uncle Jake is here Matt.
I walk out the room and go down stairs still recording.
J. So what are you watching?
I. Jumaji
J. Cool.
Tessa has fallen asleep on Ivans shoulder so I get up and drag Ivan upstairs.
I. What are you doing.
J. It's called a vaca duh.
I push him on the bed.
J. Now sleep. Good bye.
I go to my room but I can't sleep. So I end my vlog and edit it.

Tessa's POV

I'm so tired I fall asleep on Ivans shoulder. I feel him move. So I get up and go on Instagram. I answer some people then post a picture of Matthew. And in the first minute it gets 148 likes and 37 comments.

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