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Tessa's POV

I wake up with Ivan hugging me but his hand is up my top. Ugh. I get up.
I. Where are you going?
T. Just to Liza and David's house to pick up Matthew.
I. Ok be quick.
T. Ok.
I go downstairs where Erika is.
E. Where are you going in such a hurry.
T. I need to pick up Matthew
E. Can I come.
T. Yeah ok.
We get in my car and drive to Lizas place.
I knock on the door and David answers.
D. Hey come in.
T. Thanks.
E. Hi
L. Hi guys
T. I'm sorry if he was any trouble.
L. He was fine.
D. Yeah.
I pick matthew up and he smiles.
T. Hey bubba.
M. *smiles*
T. Ok bye thank you so much aswell.
I give Liza $40 because it was like mid day.
*1 year later*
Matthew is 1 now and can walk and kind of talk.
I. Baby stay in bed.
T. You come down. I just have to get Matthew out of his cot and give him breakfast.
I. Ok
We both get out of bed and of a is only in underpants and I'm in my booty shorts and a Tessa Brooks t-shirt. I get Matthew out of his cot and carry him downstairs. All he is wearing is a bodysuit

I give him breakfast in his highchair and make something for me and Ivan

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I give him breakfast in his highchair and make something for me and Ivan. We all finish and I get Matthew out to play.
Ivan takes me back upstairs because Jake and Chance were down there. We get back in bed.
T. Why
I. What do you mean
T. Why are we in bed. I'm going bye.
I go downstairs and take Matthews hand and lead him upstairs. I get him in my room and shut the door otherwise he would just run back out. I change him into

I get myself into

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I get myself into

I get myself into

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Ivan gets into

Ivan gets into

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Ivans POV

M. Daddy.
I. Yes
M. Mummy loves me more.
I. We will see about that.
M. Let's have a compi
I. Competition
M. Yes
I. Ok let the games begin.

I. Babe
M. You got no answer. Mummy
I. She's wearing earphones Matt.
M. Oh my. Ok go again.
I sit next to Tessa.
I. Babe.
T. Yeah.
I. I love you.
T. I love you too.
I kiss her for long.
Then go back over to Matthew.
M. Ok my go.

Matthews POV

I to the sofa and try to get up but I can't. Mummy pulls me up and Jake comes to sit down so mummy puts me on her lap.
J. Thanks
T. No problem haha
Jakey was vlogging.
M. Mummy
T. Yeah
M. I love you
T. Awww I love you too baby
I Kiss mummy.
J. Now Jake paulers isn't that just pure cuteness.
M. Mummy
T. Yeah
M. Who do you love more. Me or daddy.
T. I love you both the same amount.
I get off mummy and go to daddy.
M. The same amount of love.
I. So we both win.
M. No if I call mummy and you call her at the same time and see who she goes too.
I. Ok go over there.
Daddy puts his fingers up 3, 2, 1 and then puts his thumb up.
M&I- babe/mummy come here.
Mummy gets up and comes over to me.
T. Yeah bubbs.
M. Hi hahaha
I run away. Screaming I won.

Ivans POV

T. What was that all about?
Tessa comes over to me.
I. We had a competition
T. Oh hahaha

Tessa's POV

I go back to the sofa and sit down. I go on my Instagram and post a picture of me and Ivan in bed from earlier. It gets lots of likes and comments.
J. I'm going to a club later. Do you want to come?
T. Yeah sure who you going with?
J. David.
T. Ok. Can you just make sure I don't get too rough like last time.
J. Sure.
T. Babe I'm going out
I. Ok bye babe
I go over to Ivan and kiss him.
T. Bye. Matthew come here.
M. Ok
T. Mummy is going out so night and bye.
I kiss Matthew.
M. Bye mummy
*at the club around 5 drinks in*
T. I'm  going to stop now you guys carry on drinking if you like.
J. No please it won't be the same. Here
Jake hands me a drink.
T. No I shouldn't.
D. Just 1 more Tessa please.
T. Fine😂
*3 more drinks later(Jake Tessa and David are drunk now)*
T. I wasn't supposed to to get drunk
J. I It's ok
D. Yeah
David touches my butt.
T. Woo. Alert. No thank you.
D. Sorry I didn't mean to do that.
J. He wants you tess
Jake whispered to me.
David pulls me outside. And he takes me round the corner of the club. He pinns me to the wall and I go stiff as he kisses me. I try to get away but David's grip is strong. Jake is filming this aswell. Then a car pulls up in front of us and liza gets out. She takes David's arm and puts him in the car.
L. Tessa I am so sorry about him. Are you Ok?
T. Y-yes
I'm still stiff from him kissing me.
J. Lets go home.
T. Ok.
I see Jakes phone and see the video to Ivan and said to him "She s drunk again". I don't say anything but Ivan will see that I'm not doing anything wrong because to be honest I'm probably sober. Once we get inside Ivan is standing in front of us.
I. Again?
I go to the toilet and brush my teeth while Ivan is banging on the door.
E. What going on.
I. She was drinking loads again. And she was MAKING OUT WITH DAVID.
J. Actually David made out with her.
Jake said in a really drunk voice.
I didn't hear anyone outside so I opened the door and Ivan came in and cornered me in.
E. Get away from her.
I. Why. Why did you drink again. Why did you cheat.
T. I DIDN'T. Back off. I'm sober. I only had a couple drinks. David forced himself on me. If you were a caring boyfriend you would see that.

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