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Jakes POV

I gave Millie back to Chelsea because I really didn't want her. I wanted Erika to be happy. And Millie was kinda in the way.

Ivan's POV

*next day*
We were back at our house finally and were packing for our cruise. The cruise is 3 days 2 nights and Matthew is staying with Erika and if Erika can't handle him, he'll go to Tessas parents house.
*after packing*

Matthews POV

There are bags in the hallway. I wonder who's leaving. I see daddy carrying a bag down the stairs and get worried. Are mummy and daddy going to leave. What if they leave with out me.
M. Where are you going daddy?
I. Me and mummy are going on a cruise for the weekend.
M. With me!
I. No sorry dude.
M. You are leaving me ?
T. Yeah only for the weekend baby.
I run away into the garden. Why are they leaving me😭. Mummy comes out and I face the other way.
T. Matt...it's ok Erika will be looking after you.

Erika POV

I think they've finally told Matt and he's mad. Oh my.
I. Tessa the taxi is here let's go.
T. Ok.
Tessa picks up Matthew and he hugs her then hugs Ivan. She gives him to me and they leave. He starts to cry and kick. I put him down and make him a drink in a bottle. I try to put him down for a nap but he wasn't having it. All the boys come back with Alissa and here crying.
A. I think Tessa and Ivan left for the cruise.
An. And matts sad.
Tr. wait they're gone.
J. Oh my god your so late.
K. Hahaha.

Jakes POV

I go upstairs to Erika who is in our room. Matt runs out with Erika running after him so I go after both of them. He goes into Tessa and Ivan's room and gets in their bed. I move Erika out of the way and get in with him and start to talk to him. He soon starts to talk back so we go down and play.

Tessas POV

I hope Matt isn't trouble! We are on the cruise now and it's fantastic. It's quite late so it's dark aswell. We go straight to our room and unpack.

Ivan's POV

It's our first night here and this place is fancy. I take my clothes of so I'm in my boxers and go to the bathroom. I put on a condom coz I'm tryna get it tonight 😂 but not get Tessa pregnant. I walk into the room and Tessa is about to put her pjs on. She is completely naked so I push her on the bed and she drops the clothes. I kiss her and rub her clit at the same time and she moans.
I. One rule: you can't moan until I tell you to.
T. What that's unfair.
I. I'll punish you if you do.
T. Ok daddy.
I rub her clit faster and then stick a finger in her.
T. *whimpers*
I stare at her and she stops. I pull my underwear off. I push my dick inside her and she moans quietly.
I. did I say you could moan. That was a moan. I have to punish you now.
T. I'm sorry daddy. Please don't punish me.
I. You can moan for this but I have to keep to my word.
I go fast in and out of Tessa and she moans loud. I pull out and moan. I take off the condom and have a shower with Tessa then we both go to sleep.

Alissas POV

A. I wonder what Ivan and Tessa have been up to.
I wink at Erika.
E. I don't think so.
A. Why not!? They would definitely take the chance.
E. I don't know. Let's face time them.
*start of face time*
A. Hey guys.
I. Hey
T. Hi
E. Have you just woken up?!!
T. Yeah 😂😂
A. Ok question. Me and Erika think you've already done the dirty.
T. What?!?! Why are you even talking about it. 😂😂😂
E. We just wanna know.
I. Yep.
A. Aha I won. I was right.
E. I seriously thought you wouldn't of done it.
T. Oh my😂
A. We are gonna go bye.
I&T. Byee.
*end of convo*
I give matt some hot milk and put him in his cot then go to sleep. I think he wore himself out because he fell asleep right away.
I go into matts room and see him standing in his cot so I get him out and give him his juice and breakfast.

Jakes POV

I'm going to bring Matt to my friends house to do a vlog today so Erika gets him dressed for me and packs his bag. In his bag was milk a blanket baby wipes and some nappies. I put him in his car seat and put the buggy and changing bag in the boot. I get in and drive off(he's in the Tesla).
We get to Xivias house and matt goes to his dog. me and vias play on fort nite on his ps4. I suddenly hear Matt cry and see what going on, vias dog got to excited and jumped on him. obviously matt didn't like that 😂. i give matt a bottle and put him in his pram hoping he would go to sleep but he was so hyper 🙄😂.

ivan's pov

me and tessa have mostly been relaxing on the ship. we have joined in in some games but that's mostly it. we have been drunk a lot as the alcohol is on tap. we are coming home tomorrow!! me and tessa fucked yesterday and i didn't wear a condom...hopefully she isn't pregnant 😂.

sorry this isn't that long but i've been super busy with school and family things. i will try to do a lot more. thanks for all the support i love you all and you are amazing have a great day !!❤️

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