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Jakes POV

*9 months later*
Text convo to Chelsea:
C. Hey Jake
J. I told you not to text me no more. I was drunk our thing has ended.
C. Look I'm not here for trouble I'm here to tell you something. And I understand ok.
I. Ok what is it.
C. I never wanted to tell you but I feel like I have to
J. What is it
C. You will probably say why are you only telling me this now, but when i tell you don't get mad just hear me out.
J. Ok...
C. I'm pregnant
J. Wait what are you sure.
C. I'm pretty sure I've taken about 10 tests.
J. How did this happen. We have to talk about it then.
C. Yeah it happened the night you were drunk. Remember that.
J. 9 months ago! When is the baby due.
C. Today actually.
J. Can I ever see the baby
J. Chelsea?
J. Are you there?
J. Chelsea are you ok?!!!
C. Sorry I have to go meet me at the hospital near me I'm going into labour.
J. Ok I'll be there soon.
End of convo.
"Oh my god. I have a kid on the way. How do I tell Erika." I think to myself. I sit on the floor and rest my head in my arms.
E. Jake are you ok.
J. I'm sorry I'm so so sorry
E. For what.
J. I got a- wait no. I can't say it'll upset you so much.
E. What do you mean. What have you done.
J. I think you better come with me.
E. Can Tessa come.
J. Yeah sure.
T. I can't I'm so sorry.
E. Ok no worries. Bye
Me and Erika get to the hospital and a doctor rushes me in.
E. Why are we here
J. Just please hold on
We get into Chelsea's room where the baby is in her arms.
C. Jake you made it.
J. Yeah I brought Erika if that's ok
C. That's fine. Hi I'm Chelsea.
E. W-what? Who's baby is that
J. Uhm
E. No. No you didn't Jake.

Erikas POV

I thought he would of been smart enough to at least wear a condom.
J. I'm sorry Erika.
I walk out and I start to cry. What will happen now. I sit down on one of the chairs in the waiting room and jakes comes out.
E. Go away
J. Please just listen to me.
E. I thought it was over.
J. I didn't know she was pregnant.
E. Well now you do. Go to her and be the father to that baby. The father that Chelsea needs right now.
J. No!
E. No?
J. No you will come back with me and we will work through this.
E. This is your fault you deal with it. I'm going home.
I call Tessa and she picks me up in her car.

Jakes POV

I don't know what to do. I go back to the room and Chelsea hands me the baby. She was wrapped up in a blanket.
J. What's her name?
C. I haven't got one yet, maybe you can chose.
J. Well if you like we can call her Millie May
C. Oh I love that name. Jake unwrap her blanket.
I unwrapped the blanket and there was a note. I hand Millie to Chelsea and the note said
"Hey daddy, I love you and mummy so much but mummy thinks it's best if I go to live with you. Mummy can't have me. She will keep in touch though. Don't worry."
I held the note and slumped on the chair and held Chelsea's hand.
J. Are you sure.
C. Yes I just can't do it. Take her now. Bye Jake
J. Oh
C. Go home take her and go
J. Oh ok bye
C. Bye
We kiss then I go with Millie in the baby seat. I strap her in the car then go to the team ten house. I get in and call out for Erika.
J. Erika!
E. Im upstairs.
I go up stairs to the bedroom to find Tessa and her sitting on the bed. I put the baby seat on to the bed and Erika looks confused.
J. Chelsea want us to have her.
E. What?!
J. You've always wanted a baby.
E. I know but I want a baby of my own Jake.
J. Please Millie has no where else to go.
E. Fine she's so cute. So what do I have to do
J. I don't know to be honest.

Tessa's POV

Erika came up to me and said she was a mum but it wasn't her baby.
T. What do you mean
E. So you see how Jake cheated.
T. Yeah
E. He got another girl pregnant but the girl doesn't want the baby. She's give us her.
T. No way. Is she born yet. Coz I know someone was having someone's baby😂
E. Haha yeah she's upstairs. She's called Millie.
T. Awww I wanna see her I wanna see her.
E. Yeah c'mon let's go to her now.
We go upstairs and I hold Millie. She's so cute. I saw Jake smiling, I know he was so happy about having a daughter!
I went down and Erika stayed with Millie. I saw Ivan and we went out for a bit with Matthew to the park.
*at the park*
M. Mummy daddy come play with me.
We went down the slide with him and then I just sat on the bench watching my Matthew and Ivan play. My 2 boys. My favourite boys.

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