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Erikas POV

I go into tessas room and hear her throwing up in her toilet. I go in and hold her hair up while giving her a towl to wipe her mouth. She gets up and goes to her bed. I sit next to her.
T. I didn't mean to do it Erika.
E. What
T. Kiss Emilio.
E. I know he said he was Ivan.
Tessa runs to the bathroom and throws up again and then comes back out.
T. I should of just listened to Ivan.
E. No. You should do your own thing. Who cares what he thinks.
T. I hit him didn't I?
E. Yeah😂. Tessa you also passed out yesterday.
T. I did?
E. Yeah.
T. Oh.
Tessa runs back to the bathroom to throw up before coming back out. Ivan comes in.
E. Not now please.
I. I'm not here to start anything. I'm just here to say sorry Tessa.
Tessa looks down and looks like she's about to cry.
T. Me too
She whispers quietly but Ivan didn't hear.
Ivan leaves the room and Tessa starts to cry.
E. It's going to be ok
Tessa's POV

T. I just need some time.
E. Ok.
Erikas about to walk out.
T. No I mean I'm going to go back with my mum and dad for a bit.
E. Oh. Are you sure. I mean-
T. Yes. Erika its going to be ok.
I get me and Matthews stuff packed while Ivan and Emilio are out. Then I get Matthews stuff in my car and put him in and I say goodbye to everyone and drive away. I get to my parents and tell them everything that happened. They are supportive and give me my old room back.
I feed Matthew and put him to bed.

Ivans POV

I. I'm back everyone
J&E&A. Hi
J. Chance come help with the room.
I. What room. Can I help.
Jake looks at Erika.
J. Yeah ok.
Jake and Chance lead me to Tessa's room?
I. Where's Tessa.
J. She went.
C. Only for a bit dont worry.
I. What do you mean she went. She went where?
J. She moved out. For a bit.
I go downstairs and see Erika and Alissa on the sofa. I look around and all of Matthews stuff has gone.
I. Where's all their stuff
A. With them.
I. Where did they go.
E. That's for us to know and you to find out. Not. We can't tell you.
I. That's my son please tell me.
A. That is his son.
E. Ok.
A. They went to tessas parents.
I. Ok thanks.
I run outside and go into my car and drive to tessas mum. I start to cry.
I get there and park. I see tessas car and tears run down my face again. I knock on the door and tessas mum answers.
Tm. Hi
I. Hi is Tessa in.
Tm. Yes why.
I. It's Ivan.
Tm. Oh. Ummm. She doesn't want to see you right now.
I. Please mrs Brooks. I'm begging you. The love of my life is in there and my baby's in there.
Tm. Ok come in.
I run upstairs to tessas room and open the door slowly.
I. Tessa?
Tr. What do you want?
I. Tristian?
T. What are you doing here.
I. I miss you and I'm sorry for everything.
T. Oh.
I. Where is Matthew.
Tessa points to a moses basket. I pick him up and he starts to smile. Tessa watches me play with him and watches him smile.
I. Come back.
T. But i-
I. Please.
Tr. Go tess. You need him and he needs you.
Tristian walks out the house.
T. Ok
I. Really omg let's go.
*1 hour later*
We are back and everything is back to the way it was. Jake is throwing a party tonight and it starts in an hour so I decide to put my make up on and get changed

 Jake is throwing a party tonight and it starts in an hour so I decide to put my make up on and get changed

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Ivan gets changed aswell into

I change Matthews diaper and get him into

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I change Matthews diaper and get him into

I change Matthews diaper and get him into

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