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Tessas POV

I miss Ivan so much. Today I'm hanging out with Matthew and Tristan to take my mind off of him for a while. We get to a park and we play with Matthew on the slide and in the activity area. We have loads of fun but then Matthew starts to get tired so we go home and put him to bed.
E. Hey guys, did you have fun?
Tr. yeah😂😂
E. I'm going to bed now so night💕
T&Tr. night rik💕
Me and Tristian are watching a movie called look who's talking. Half way through the movie he puts his arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder. I really miss nights like this with Ivan. Ivan is coming back in 6 days! It's been forever since I saw him. Tristian grabs my head and kisses me.
T. Whoa what are you doing?
Tr. kissing you.
T. Why. Dude wtf
Tr. what? Tessa I like you. I know you like me😂
T. As a friend.
Tr. I'm sorry. I'll go
*Tristian goes and chance comes over*
T. Hi
C. Hi. What was that all about?
T. Tristian tried kissing me!
C. Oh.
Chance turns the tv off and takes me upstairs.
C. You should go bed.
T. Yeah.
Chance comes into my room. He probably wants to say night. But then he covers my mouth and kisses my neck. I try to get away but he locks the door(tessa and Ivan have a lock on the door now 🔐) and takes the key. I manage to get his hand away.
T. What are you doing.
C. You want this.
He takes his clothes off and puts on a condom.
T. I don't want this! HE-
C. Shut up! I will do something bad otherwise.
T. Wha-what.
C. Have sex with me otherwise I'll kill you or Matthew.
T. Wtf. Chance this isn't you.
C. It is Tess.
He rips my clothes off and pushes me on the bed.
T. Stop please ✋
C. Ok. 👌🏻
He pulls out a knife.
C. Still want me to stop.
T. ...
C. Thought so 😂
He kisses me and slams into me. I start to cry 😭.
C. Stop crying or you die
T. Sorry 😔
Chance fucks me for another 20 minutes then stops.
C. Tell anyone your dead 💀
T. Ok
C. Good.
He walks out and I start to cry. I get dressed and go back to the bed and change the bedding. I sit down and cry even more. Erika walks in and sees me crying.
E. Tessa what's the matter?
T. Cha- umm I miss Ivan
E. He will be back soon. It will be ok.

Erikas POV

I have a feeling Tessa was lying to me so I go get my iPad and check the hallway cameras. I see chance is pushing Tessa into her room. I go up to chance.
E. What up chance.
C. The sky
E. Very funny
C. What do you want.
E. What have you been up to today.
C. Not much.
E. Have you been with Tessa.
C. No why.
E. What did you do to her.
C. Nothing.
E. She's crying and I saw you going into her room.
C. Nothing.
Chance looks towards the door way.
C. What did you say.
T. Nothing!
C. Really?
T. Yeah
C. Hmm sure
E. She didn't say anything.
J. What's going on
E. I don't know yet
C. Nothing

Chances POV

E. Tessa please tell us. What did he do.
J. You done something to Tessa didn't you!
C. Dunno did I tessa
T. Wha-well you know umm
C. No
E. Tessa you have to tell us.
T. I can't
J. Why
T. I just can't.

Tessas POV

Jake pulls me to my room.
J. What happened between you and chance.
T. Nothing
J. Tessa please don't say you cheate-
T. NO I didn't Jake
J. Ok I'm sorry
T.  Sorry for shouting
J. Please tell me what's wrong
T. I can't he will kill me. He said so.
J. He wouldn't dare. I'll kick him out. Please tell me.
T. Chance...raped me.
J. He did what. I'm gonna kill him.
T. No you can't say anything.
J. Tessa this is big you can't hide it.
Jake walks out, I run after him into chances room.
J. Chance wtf.
C. What.
J. You-
T. Nothing
E. Jake!
J. Erika this is serious.
E. What is it.
T. Please Jake.
J. I'm sorry Tessa. You can't hide this
I get Matthew and run downstairs and into my car. I try to start my car but I can't. Jake gets in and it starts.
T. Get out Jake.
J. I'm sorry but I had to do it.
T. Please get out.
Erika then gets in.
E. It's gonna be ok tess
T. Please...get...out
J. Calm down Tessa. This is a big thing. What if you're pregnant with his baby.
E. Yeah.
Jake and Erika both quickly get out the car.
M. Mummy what's wrong?
T. Nothing baby
I drive to my parents house and tell them everything. I go to my old room and put Matthew to sleep then go sleep myself.

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