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tessas POV

We just got back from our cruise and Matt is asleep. I want to kiss and hug him but I'm also exhausted and want to go to sleep myself 🤦‍♀️😂.  Me and Ivan decide to go to bed first before talking to anyone.
*hour later*
Matt comes in and Ivan wakes up, i was already awake and on my phone. He starts screaming and he jumps on our bed and hugs us both. Team 10 come in and see that we are back and we all have a group hug 🤗.
Nick knew we were back and filmed the reaction and it everyone was so lovely.

Ivan's POV

I just got into the bathroom and I saw a pregnancy test!! I really hope tessa is not pregnant. I go over to look at it and it's says...
I put the pregnancy test back and walk into the garden ignoring everyone. I kind of think tessa knows that I know but I'm not going to say anything.
T. Baby, are you ok?
I. Yeah
M. Daddy play
I. Not right now bubba daddy has to do something
I walk back inside and run upstairs, go into my room and sit on the bed on my phone. Jake opens the door.
J. What's up bro
I. Nothing I am just very tired
J. Ah ok...you su-
I. Tessa is fucking pregnant
J. Oh.....
I. I don't know what to do
J. Does she know you know
I. No
J. Oh god
I. Can I just get a second
J. Yeah of course
I. Just make sure no one comes in here
J. Ok
Jake leaves and I pick up my pillow and throw it across the room. I hear footsteps on the stairs.
J. Don't go up there yet
T. What why?
Shit it's tessa. I quickly clean everything up as I hear her arguing with jake. She comes in.
I. H-hey baabe
T. What are you doing up here
Tessa goes over to her make up bag and puts on some mascara.
I. N-nothing
T. Jesus Christ Ivan what's wrong. You've been weird ever since you came up stairs earlier.
I. It's nothing don't worry baby.
T. Wait uhm...did you see anything
Ah I think she knows I know 😬.
I. no
T. You sure
I. Yes. I'm going to play with Matt now
T. Ok
I go downstairs and I play with Matt like he asked earlier.

Tessas POV

I run over to Ivan and say
T. I'm not pregnant
I. Why would you say that
T. I uhm.. I don't know
I. Uhh ok that's good to know
I walk off thinking to myself at least he won't suspect anythi-
I. Wait, what was the test on the side then
T. N-nothing. It wasn't mine
Ivan pulls me into the games room (they didn't realise that Jake was in there, he didn't say anything)
I. Who's the fuck was it then?
T. I don't know maybe erikas.
I. Erikas?! Jake doesn't want a kid I swear. And neither does Erika yet. Just say it, it's yours isn't it.

Ivan's POV

I knew she was lying so I walked out the room with tessa trying to stop me.
T. Babe...babe stop
I. Why are you lying
T. I-
I. Why do you need to lie?!?!
T. I don'tttt
I walk away again and go into the bathroom, get the pregnancy test throw over the balcony into the front room and shut and lock my door. Tessa starts to knock and bang on the door.
T. Babe? This is silly just talk to me.
I. Fuck off please?
T. No Ivan just talk to me please
I. Fine
I unlock and open the door and she comes in. I go over and lock the door again.
I. Sorry
I kiss her neck giving her a hickey.
T. Ivan stop
I kiss her again and she moans slightly.
T. I-Ivan
I grab her boobs and she grabs my boner.
T. S-stoppp
I. What do you mean baby :)
She grabs my boner harder and i moan and crouch a tiny bit.
I. Woahhh
I push Tessa onto the bed and automatically take her skirt and panties off. I make her lick my finger while kissing her belly then I stick them in her pussy. She moans and I stop.
T. Why did you stop baby
I get up and get a bandana and put it in her mouth. Then I get the viberator and plug it in. She sees it and shakes her head no. I get handcuffs and hand cuff her legs and arms to the bed. She makes noises to say no but I know she'll enjoy it.
I. You'll enjoy it baby
T. *muffled noises*
I put the viberator on her pussy and move it around. She moans loudly. I do this for a couple minutes then she squirts. I lick her pussy up and then stick my dick in her going in and out. She squirts again and I lick her pussy. She squirts again and again until she kind of closes her legs. I know she's had enough and she wanted a go. Before I let her go i suck her tits and chest giving her hickeys everywhere. I undo the leg cuffs first then the hands. She immediately jumps on my giving me hickeys on one side of my neck and my shoulder. She rides my dick and i cum. Then she jerks me off till I cum again and she catches it in her mouth. She sucks my dick and I cum twice. I push her head down when she tries to get up not realising what I'm doing at the time. She comes back up to my face and we kiss and then fall asleep.
*3 hours later*
I wake up but tessa it not awake. We are both still naked, I rub my dick and I become hard. I stick my dick in her pussy and she says a name. I think it was mine. Cute. I go a tinyyyy bit faster and she says the name louder.
T. Tyler
I stop. I think. I realise what she said, pull out and get dressed. I go downstairs and try to forget it. I think Tyler is her ex. What if she's seeing Tyler?

Tessas POV

I wake up naked get dressed do my makeup and hair and then go and get matt. He's in a happy mood and I am as well. I get him dressed and do his hair. I play with him for a bit in his room but then he goes to play downstairs. I go into erikas room and talk to her for a bit.
E. Hey tessy bear
T. Hey rikkk
E. What did you do yesterday? I went out :(
T. Nothinggggg ;))))
E. Omg tell me everything
I tell her everything of course and then she squeals with excitement.
E. Omg omg
T. Shushhhhh aha
J. Hey guys
T&E. Hey
J. What you up to
T. I'm going to go downstairs
J. Ah ok
E. I'm going get dressed.
I get my camera and go downstairs.
T. Hey guys
Team 10. Hey tess
T. Hey baby, how comes you are up so early ?
I. No reason.
T. You ok? 😂
I. Yes...I'm fine thanks
T. Ok, by the way I'm going out later
I. What?! Where?!
T. To see an old friend
I. No you can't
T. Why not?
I. Because...because I have something planned.
T. Ugh I can't Ivan I'm sorry
I. Hm fine ok
T. Sorry baby I'll make it up to you by a lovely dinner
I. Ok
I kiss Ivan passionately and at the same time matt walks by.
M. Ewww mummy and daddy are kissing
He runs over to separate us and I pick him up and kiss him whilst tickling him. He laughs and Ivan smiles.  I put matt down
T. I promise baby
I. Ok
He grabs my face and kisses me using tongue.
J. Get a room
We both laugh.

Ivan's POV

I go into the garden where matt. I get him and dress him in swimming trunks and I get on some myself. Tessa puts on a nice outfit and makeup and goes out. I bring down matt to the swimming pool.
M. Daddy?
I. We are going to learn how to swim bubba
M. Ooooo yay
Erika and Alissa are in the pool right now and I hand matt to Alissa. I get in and i take him back.

Erikas POV

E. Ali look at Ivan's neck. I think that tessa and Ivan Gad a good night 😉
A. Oh my 😂🤦‍♀️
E. Don't say anything otherwise he'll go into some detail shit about tessas vagina.
We both laugh

Ivan's POV

I. Shit this pool is cold.
I. no don't say that 😂
I. Matt!
M. Shit daddy
I. No matt don't say that, that's a bad word 😂
T. What the fuck 😂
I. I thought you left already
M. Yeah shit mummy
T. No that's a bad word matt don't say that
M. Fuckkkkkkkk
I. Matthew no
M. Hmmp fine
T. I just came to say goodbye
I. Ah ok bye babe
T. See you later
I. I Love youuuu
T. I Love you too baby, bye bye matt
M. Bye mummy
She goes.
I. Ok let's learn now 😂
M. Yes yes yes
J. Cannonball!!!!!!
I look up and jake is on the balcony.
I quickly put matt on the side of the pool and he stands up. I swim out the way and so do the girls. He jumps and then swims up. The waves go onto the edge and Matt falls over.
M. 😂😂 Jakey !!!!
J. Ah sorry bud
Matt jumps in and no one is near him.
I swim over and I pick him up. He looks so shocked 😂.
I. Always wait for me bubba
He laughs but says ok.

idk how to end the story this may be my last one might not be who knowssss 😂

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