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Ivan's POV

I get to Logan's house and he gives me a card and another envelope. (Lp-Logan (Paul))
Lp. They are from Tessa. She's been planning this for weeks!
I. Oh. Thanks.
I read the card and it says:
"To Ivan,
I love you and thank you for loving me even when I'm a crazy bitch! Your my favourite hello and my hardest goodbye, thanks for reminding me what butterflies feel like. When I'm with you I feel safe from the things that hurt me inside.Te quiero mucho! 🌹❤️(I love you so much!🌹❤️)
Love Tessa xxx"
That's the cutest thing ever! I then open the envelope ✉️ and there are tickets inside?! I read what the tickets say and it's for a weekend cruise. OMG 🚢🛳⛴.

Tessas POV

After dance I get food and go to Logan's where I hope Ivan went because he usually does! I get to Logan's and Ivan opens the door. I hug him tight and he hugs me as well. Then he gives me an envelope, I open it and it says,
" Dear Mr Martinez and Miss Brooks,
You have now successfully got your own house so we will have vans come pick your stuff up and move you there. Thanks for waiting, hope you like your new place with your little one!
Sincerely Housings"
I scream out of happiness!
T. We have our own house.
I. Yeah, let's go get our stuff packed
T. Ok. Byeee Logan
Lp. Bye
I. Bye
Lp. See you later
*at team 10 packed up*
No one is in so this good because we haven't told anyone. We take all our stuff out to the front into the van. We get the last case in and then the team 10 van pulls up.
J. Hey guys. What you going.
T. Uhh going out with a friend.
J. Ok see you later
That was close. We get to our new house and it's quite big. 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, big garden and all together there is 10 rooms (not all bedrooms btw). We unpack and get everything in it's place. We let Matthew into the garden and he loves it. There's a big pool and a small one for little kids. After we all settle down I decide to call Jake and tell him.
*start of convo*
J. Hi tess where are y'all?
T. Umm about that w-
J. Btw the whole of team 10 is here.
T. Ok.
I. Hey guys
M. Hiii
(T10-team 10)
T10. Hey
I. We have some news
E. Is it bad?
I. It's our good but I don't know what you guys will think.
A. Ahh Tessas pregnant again!
T. Nooo!😂
J. What is it?
I. We kinda got our own place now.
T10. No way.
J. That's cool
T. We have to go now sorry bye
*end of convo*
I get Matthew in his pjs and get him to bed.
Ivan pulls me into our room and says
I. Can we celebrate our new house
He says that taking his top off and pushes me on the bed.
T. Yeah😏
T. What was that.
I run to Matthews room and get him then run back to my room.

Ivan's POV

I get the bat from the wardrobe and go downstairs.
J. Calm down it's only me
I. Oh damn you scared the shit out of me and Tessa.
J. Hahahha peek.
M. Waaaa
T. Hey Jake.
J. Hey tess hey matthew!
M. Waaaa.
Tessa goes back upstairs and puts him back to bed.
J. So how is this place. It's easy to break into because you left the door open
I. Oh jeez. Let me quickly lock that.
I lock the doors.
I. It's fine I guess a bit quiet.
J. That's ok team 10 will come over every morning
I. Haha sure.
J. Tomorrow morning ok cool! 👌🏻

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