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Tessa's POV

I see Ivan sleeping on the bunk beds and Emilio too. I get up and Erika comes down the corridor and I instantly turn the other way.
T. I don't want to talk right now.
N. Whats going on?
T. Nothing
I go and sit on the couch and Erika comes next to me.
E. Tess it's going to be ok. Whats so bad about having a baby huh?
T. You don't understand. I'm 18. My dad is going to kill me when he finds out. I had my whole life ahead of me.
J. Who's pregnant.
E. Umm
T. Me. I whisper
J. Oh damn Tessa got some😂😂.
T. I'm going out bye Erika bye Jake. Oh and I think Ivan is upset about it Erika.
I go out and get in my car. I didn't have to go out but I just wanted to think and get away from everyone.

Ivans POV

E. Ivan what the fuck.
I wake up and Jake and Erika are standing in front of me.
J. How comes you didn't sleep with Tessa.
I. I was giving her space.
E. At the moment that the last thing she needs.
J. Yeah
I. Oh. I'll go talk to her.
I get out of bed and starts to go downstairs.
J. She went out Ivan
I. Where
E. We don't know.
I. Fuck
E. I'm going to go find her.

Erikas POV

I know where Tessa would be so I head over to there. I get there and knock on the door.
Tm. Hello Erika
Tessa's mum hugs me.
E. Is Tessa here?
Tm. Yeah... Come in darling.
E. Thank you
I go up to Tessa's old room and see her on her phone sitting on the armchair.
E. Tessa
She jumps.
T. Oh hey rik
E. You ok? And Ivan is not upset about it tess
T. I'm ok
I go over and give Tessa a hug.
T. I just don't understand.
E. Let's go home babes
T. Yeah.
We get in my car and we go home. When we get home Ivan runs up to Tessa and starts to cry.
I. Baby I love you no matter what.
T. I love you too.
Tessa runs over to him and covers his mouth.
T. Tessa is amazing.
J. Yeah
Jake said that with a confused look😂😂.

Ivans POV

It's been 7 months and Tessa is due to have our baby in 2 months! Today we are going to find out what gender our baby is!
*at the ultrasound*
D. Tessa Brooks and Ivan Martinez please.
We walk to the room we've been called to.
D. Hello miss brooks
T. Hello doctor
D. So today you'll be having an ultrasound and we can tell you today what the gender is.
T. That's great.
Ivan sits next to me and holds my hand.
The doctor put a the gel on my belly and scans it over.
D. Your having a......little baby boy!
Me and Ivan cry.
I. Everyone we have news.
Everyone. What is it? Is it bad? Is it good?
T. We are having a baby boy!
*1 month later*
T. IVAN. I think the baby is coming.
I. It's too early🤔.
T. Can you get the baby's hospital bag Jake.
J. On it.
*after baby's born(coz I'm lazy)*
T. Our baby is so beautiful.
I. Just like you
I blush

 Just like youI blush

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E&A. Awwwww
T. Erika. Alissa.
I hug them both!
*at home*
Me and Ivan go upstairs and put Matthew  in his pyjamas.

I hug them both!*at home*Me and Ivan go upstairs and put Matthew  in his pyjamas

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Then we put him in his moses basket thats
All ready set up.

I post the picture of him in his moses basket and put "Matthew is here!❤💖💝🎄"20 minutes late it gets 200 comments and 783 likes! Parent hood isn't that bad! Emilio has his own room now but sometimes Ivan sleeps with him

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I post the picture of him in his moses basket and put "Matthew is here!❤💖💝🎄"
20 minutes late it gets 200 comments and 783 likes! Parent hood isn't that bad! Emilio has his own room now but sometimes Ivan sleeps with him.(m-matthew)
M. Waaa
T. Ugh
T. I'm coming im coming!
I feed him his milk and Erika comes in.
E. So how is it?
T. What?
E. Parent hood.
T. I thought it was going to be easy and calm. It's hard.
E. Oml. Well I'm going to sleep. Is Ivan with Emilio again?
T. Yeah and night.
E. Night babes. Night Matthew.
A. Hey bi-
E. No swearing!
We all laugh and Matthew giggles.
A. Ok. Hey girls and boy!
We laugh again!!
T. Hey Alissa
E. Hey Ali
A. So what you guys doing?
T. Feeding Matthew!
E. About to go bed. Night
A. Night hun!
*Erika goes bed*
A. You wanna watch a movie!
T. Yeah sure let me just put him to sleep.
A. We should call him Matt as a nickname.
T. We actually should!
I put Matthew to sleep and then go down with Alissa. Near the end of the movie, Jake runs up to us and jumps on us and we scream.
T. Oh my fucking god. This child.
A. No swearing.
I laugh.
J. Lmao.
I go upstairs and get Matthew back to sleep then go to sleep myself!

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