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Ivans POV

It's the party tonight and I have my suit and Tessa has her dress. She looks amazing.

 She looks amazing

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I'm wearing red

WI drive Erika Tessa Jake Alissa and me and Emilio to the party

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WI drive Erika Tessa Jake Alissa and me and Emilio to the party. The others go in a different car. Tessa is sitting next to me and I told her thigh she smiles and puts her hand on mine.
Tessa blushes!
We finally get to the party 💯.
*2 hours into the party*
T. I don't feel good
I. Wanna go home babe.
T. Yeah
I drive her home and she takes my hand and leads me to our room.(btw Emilio and Ivan share a bunk bed but he sleeps in tessas bed(in the same room))
I get in the room and pin Tessa to the door and kiss her. I lead her to the bed and lay her down not breaking our kiss. I take her dress off while she slips our shoes off. Then she takes my suit off and I sit on top of her. I kiss her until i get to her neck and I give her 2 hickeys on one side of her next and one on her boob. She starts to rub my guy (my guy- ivans D and her girl- Tessa's V)
I slide my guy into her girl and she moans.
I go really fast then let out in her.
We both breathe deeply, suddenly...
Erika walks in!
E. Tessa are you in he- oh my fucking jesus Christ.
I put the cover over both of us.
T. Get out. Get out
E. bye

Tessa's POV

I get out the bed and get changed into booty shorts and a vest top.
I run downstairs grab Erika and pull her to the kitchen area.
T. D-did you tell anyone?
E. Only Jake
T. Fuck
E. Tess what the fuck was that though?are you drunk?
T. No! Omg fuck. Ivan he might tell.
I run to the office and Erika follows.
I. Yo me and te-
I cover his mouth and say
T. Me and Ivan had to go home isn't that right babe.
He looked confused at first and then said
I. Yeah
T. JAKE!!!
J. Sorry haha
I go up to my room and go on Instagram. I have to meet Tylah tomorrow 😫.
E.. you ok Tessa
T. Yeah
I. Sorry Tessa
T. You didn't say anything. You didn't need to. I'm going to bed night.
*next day*
I wake up and feel really sick, I run to the bathroom and throw up.
I. Are you ok babe
T. Yeah I'm fine.
Ivan comes in and hugs me🤒❤
I get dressed to meet Tylah to see what he wants to say.

Ivan comes in and hugs me🤒❤I get dressed to meet Tylah to see what he wants to say

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I go to the cafe where Tylah is at a table so I go sit next to him, he's wearing

I go to the cafe where Tylah is at a table so I go sit next to him, he's wearing

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He looked cute.
(T.. -tylah)
T.. hey Tessa
T. Hey Tylah
T.. I really didn't think you was going to turn up.
T. Wouldn't miss it for the world. i said rolling my eyes.
T.. can I buy you something
T. No it's fine but thank you.
T.. No problemo!
Ivan rings.
T. Sorry I have to take this.
I. Hello
T. Whats up
I. Where are you
T. Out with a friend
I. Can you come home
T. Yeah 5 minutes
*end convo*
T. Sorry I have to go
T.. it was nice seeing you
T. You too bye
T.. bye
We hug goodbye then i go to a store and buy a pregnancy test as I can't remember if we used protection last night and I threw up in the morning ?!?!
I go home and ignore Ivan, emilio and erika saying hello and go straight to the downstairs bathroom.
E. Are you ok?
I don't answer.
I. Babe?
E.. Tessa?
I do the test.
T. Go away please!
I think they went. I look at the test and it says positive. I start to cry. I open the door and Ivan Emilio and Erika was standing there. I run past them and go to my room.
Emilio went somewhere and Ivan and Erika came upstairs.
I thought to my self, should I tell Ivan, or anyone!
I ring my mum(tm- Tessa's mum)
Tm. Hey hunny
I start to cry
Tm. Who hurt you? I swear to god if someo-
T. Mum I'm pregnant.
Tm. Tessa why. Who's the father. Omg Tessa you had your whole life in front of you.
T. It's Ivan and I know

Ivans POV

I could hear Tessa talking to someone and she said, "Ivan and I know"
What does that mean.
I knock on the door then let myself in
T. I have to go bye mum...i love you too
I. Babe are you ok? What s wrong?
Erika sat on the bottem bunk bed and I sat next tessa. As I did she started to cry again.
I hug her tight and say
I. Tell me what's wrong babe.
T. You'll hate me. You'll both hate me
E. We won't. We promise.
I. Babe nothing will make me hate the most amazing person in the world.
She giggles.
She whispers quietly but loud enough so we could hear
T. I'm pregnant.
E. That s Great isn't it?
I. Fuck. I whisper
Tessa heard me.
T. No it's horrible.
E. It's going to be ok
Erika shoves me aside and sits next to Tessa. She tucks Tessa in her bed and starts to stroke her hair.
E. It's going to be ok.
Tessa soon falls asleep. As soon as she does I go the bottem bunk bed and go to sleep myself.

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