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Tessas POV

I got into my outfit for Ivan and he seems amazed. He comes over to me and pulls with his teeth the top half and gets my boobs out, then he squeezes them. He kisses my neck then rips my outfit and the top half falls while the bottom half stays up. He sucks my boobs and kisses my neck down to just above the rip. I moan a quiet moan. He rips the rest off and sticks 1 finger into my pussy, then he puts in 1 more. I start to moan as he fingers me faster. I dig my head into his neck while I arch my back from the pleasure.

Ivan's POV

I suck tessas pussy then she cums and moans loud.
I. Make as much noise as you want. Because I will😂
T. Ok
I. Ok what?
T. Ok daddy 🙄
I. Are you giving attitude? You've been a very naughty girl.
I know what Ivan can do with his dick so I say
T. No daddy I'm not I promise.
I. Ok. Can I have a hug?
T. Yeah
I go over to hug him and he slams me against the wall and I wince in pain but I didn't want him to notice.

Ivan's POV

I run forward with Tessa onto the wall and she winces in pain. I think I pushed a bit to hard.
I. I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you 😔
T. No it's fine
I smirk at her before lifting her up and she wraps her legs round me so I pound into her with my dick. She moans as I fuck her and kiss her neck. She pushes my head away and says
T. No more hickeys please daddy🤗
I. Ok😉
I pick her back up and fuck her on the bed. We both moan but Tessa moans louder. I cum inside the condom then I take it off and Tessa licks my dick until I cum in her mouth. I lick her pussy then we go to sleep naked hugging each other.
*next day back in the team10 house*
E. Hey guys. How was last night ?
I. It was ok I guess we just went to a restaurant.
T. Yeah
J. Is that it 😉😉
Matthew runs up to Tessa and she hugs him then he comes to me and I hug him aswell.
M. Where were you
T. Sorry bubba me and daddy went out

Tessas POV

I saw Ivan smirking because I said daddy! I can't believe he's making me do this. But I guess I have to lol.
T. Ivan I'm going suntanning in the garden
He ignores me. So I repeat my self changing one word.
T. Daddy I'm going suntanning in the garden.
I. Ok cool
I go to the garden with Matthew following and suntan in my short and t-shirt. Erika comes and sits next to me.
T. Hey rik
E. Hey tess. Question. How comes you said daddy to Ivan
T. Umm
I hide my face and go red.
E. Hmm?
T. He made me say it otherwise..
E. Otherwise
T. Uhm. Nothing.
E. Don't say it then!
T. Ok
Just as we say that Ivan comes out.
I. Hey tess
T. Hey Ivan
I see him shake his head so I hide my face.
I. Hey rik
E. Hey
*later that night*
Me Erika and Alissa have gone to a club and they make me drink loads of shots with them. Alissa can take it but me and Erika are seriously drunk. (They are talking in a drunk voice from now until I say they don't)
T. You know what
E.  W-what
T. Ivan is pro-probably ta-talking advantage of me
A. Don't let him
T. I won't
E. Good otherwise he will have us 3 to go through
We all laugh
*text from ivan*
I. Hey tess where are you
T. Just at the club
I. Don't get too drunk haha
T. I won't Ivan don't worry
I. That's 2 times now you've not said daddy. Remember our deal!
I. It's fine I'll just cancel the deal don't worry I won't do anything.
*end messages*
It was about 2 hours after and we are home. Ivan comes in.
I. Hey guys.
T&E&A. Hey

Jakes POV

I went out with Nick to a pub and I was kinda drunk by the end but nick wasn't so drunk so he drove. On the way we picked up a girl and I took her to my room. Erika Tessa and Alissa went out again so it was calm. I start to bang Chelsea and I cum in her. She starts to moan and then Ivan walks in.
J. Ivan!
I cover Chelsea.
I. Who's that?
J. Erika
C. My names Chelsea!
I. Oh I uhm I'm. I'll go
Ivan goes.
C. Prick
J. I had to say it because he doesn't know you
C. Oh. Sorry baby. Were where we
I pound into Chelsea cumming in her again again and she moans louder and louder. After a while she goes just in time because Erika comes in the room and sees me naked.
E. Hey
J. Hey. You wanna fuck😋😉
I Don't wait for an answer I just take her clothes of and pound into her. Ivan walks in again probably wanting to talk about what happened.
J. Ivan!
I. Chelsea?
E. Who's Chelsea.
He pretends to sleep walk. My boy!
J. He's sleep walking!
He goes back out and me and Erika finish up.

Erikas POV

I can't stop thinking about what Ivan said. I go to Tessa and tell her.
E. Tessa we need to talk
T. Ok hold on.
She's on a phone call. (... means the person on the other side of the phone is talking)
T. Yes I know that...no of course not...would he not tell me though...true...look I have to go...ok bye
T. Sorry about that. What were you saying.
E. Tess Ivan came into me and-
Jake comes barging in.
J. NOTHING.  Erika we need to talk.
E. I'm talking to Tessa, can it wait a while?
Jake looks around then drags Erika out.

Jakes POV

I bring Erika downstairs.
J. You can't tell anyone about Ivan saying Chelsea
E. Why not tess is my best friend. She kinda deserves to know.
J. There's uhm like a whole kinda story behind it though
E. Whatever I'm going.

Tessas POV

Erika comes back in and says
E. Tess Ivan said Chelsea when me and jack were uhm well you know.
T. What to who
E. Meaning to jake he thought I was a girl called Chelsea.
T. Do you think-
E. He's cheating
T. I don't even know
E. We have to find out
T. How do we find out?
E. We just have to spy on him. Can you do that for me?
T. Yeah ok
E. Thank you so much tessy

Jakes POV

I sit down and hear something behind me so I look behind and there's nothing there so I turn on my phone and look at my messages with Chelsea. I hear something from outside and run out there.

Tessas POV

I distract jake then when he goes I grab his phone and run away with it still on. I give it to Erika and we read it together.
*jake and Chelsea's convo*
C. Hey baby had a great time last night
J. Good babe. You were so wet💦
C. Just for you
J. I'm just for you babe
C. Good
J. I have to run bye
*end of convo*
T. I have an idea I'll run it back down then you ask to see his phone.
E. Good idea I'll come with you downstairs.
T. Ok let's go
We go downstairs and I run the phone back on the table just before jake comes back in with Logan.
J. Hey Tessa hey babe
L. Hey girlies
T. Hey guys
E. Hey. Jake can I see your phone?
J. Why?
E. I just wanna see it. You are my boyfriend.
J. Ok
Jake gets a phone out of his pocket and gives it to Erika
E. No your one on the table. Not the fucking fake one.
J. Oh that's not mine
E. Jake I know it is
Erika grabs it
E. Put your password in jake
He puts in the password and she goes to the chat with Chelsea and shoves the phone in his face.
E. Explain this
J. The one in my pocket is my new phone. This one got hacked. They texted random people. Believe me babe.
E. Hmm
J. Please
E. Fine🙄
Me jake and Logan go outside while Erika watches us do a video as she didn't want to be in it.
J. Tess you have to catch these bottles.
E. You guys are insane😂
L. And ya love it
E. Yup😂
Jakes throws the glass bottles at me and I catch one but the other one falls and cuts my hand. I start to bleed a lot. Matthew comes out to see what the smash was and panics that I'm bleeding.
M. Mama
T. I'm ok Matt go inside and get mummy's phone.
Matthew does what he's told and I ring Ivan and tell him what happens then jake drives me to the hospital with Matthew.
J. If you get blood on my Tesla I will come back there and clean it with your face.
T. Cool understood. But I don't have a tissue.
We get there and a nurse ushers us three into a room where they clean my hand then stitch it up. Matthew kisses the bandage.
M. Better
I pick him up
T. Much better thank you Matt
J. We won't ever do that again then😂
Ivan then comes in and hugs me. He's so worried he doesn't even know he's speaking in Spanish.
I. Estas bien
( are you ok)
T. estoy bien,nena
(I'm fine babe)
I. Bueno
T. tu hablando en español tu sabes
(Your speaking in Spanish you know)
I. Oh haha

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