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Tessa's POV

I. I just don't want it to be like last time.
T. I know me neither.
E. Ivan get away from her. Shes done nothing.
I. Wait. You said you were going out but you didn't say you were going to a club
T. I knew you would never let me go.
Ivan started to get mad again.
T. I don't want drama. Get off me.
I. You got drama.
Ivan grabbed one of my hands and threw it against the wall.
E. Ivan don't hurt her. SOMEONE!
I saw that Matthew was watching Ivan. I tried to tell Erika and Ivan but he covered my mouth and put his hand on my throat.(not strangling)
N. Ivan get off her now.
I. Go away Nick.
His hand started to put more pressure on my throat (kind of strangling now)
N. Get Matthew back to bed.
Nick saw Matthew was there. He pulled Ivan off of me and I fell to the ground. Ivan tried to get me still so they put him in my room and locked the door. I got up and went to the sofa and sat down and cried. Erika came and sat next to me.
E. Did you kiss David.
I started to get mad myself. Why does everyone think I'm some kind of slut. So I decided not to answer her.
E. Does that mean Yes?
I walk off and shout back no. I get in my car and sleep there the night.

Matthews POV

Mummy might be hurt. I need to help her. I don't know who the man was. I try to get out of my cot but I can't get out. Crying! That always works. I start to cry and Alissa comes in.
A. What's the matter babes.
M. I want mummy.
Alissa take me out and hugs me.
A. Lets go find her.
We walk to her room but Erika shouts no.
A. Why are they in there😉
E. No Ivan is in there. And he was....ummmm. Matthew come here quick.
M. Yes
E. Go to jakeys room
M. Ok

Erikas POV

E. He was hurting Tessa.
I say whispering.
A. What. No fucking way. That prick. Where is she?
E. I don't actually know.
A. Well we need to look for her
E. Ok let's go.
We check all the room and can't find her.
I check the garden and then we go outside and check if her car is still here. It is. Shes in there. We knock on the window and Tessa unlocks the car. We get in and tell her to come inside. She says ok.
We get inside.
A. You can sleep in my room if you want.
T. Ok thanks.
E. Night guys
T&A. Night

Tessa's POV

Matthew comes running out of Jakes room.
M. Mummy!
T. Hey baby. Lets get you to bed.
M. No I want to sleep with you mummy.
T. Ok let's sleep downstairs. Come on.
M. Ok.
We go to sleep downstairs and I see Jake going into my room in the morning. I go back to sleep with matthew.

Jakes POV

I go into tessas room and it's really messy.
I. What do you want.
J. Why did you get like that yesterday.
I. I was worried. You guys came back late so I started to drink then before I knew it. Bam. I finished the whole bottle.
J. Oh. It David who was drunk the most. He forced himself on Tessa.
I. Tessa! Where is she?
J. Downstairs asleep.

Ivans POV

I go downstairs and Tessa and Matthew are awake watching a kids show. They looked so cute together.
I. Tessa.
Tessa put Matthew in the other side of her.
I. I'm not going to hurt you.
T. What do you want.
M. Mummy what does daddy mean.
Tessa outs her head in her hands.
T. Can we not do this in front of Matt please.
I. Ok.
T. Stay here bubba ok.
M. Yeah ok.
*in the garden*
I. Look I had been drinking and I couldn't control myself.
T. You almost killed me.
I. I'm sorry
T. Wow that fixes everything!
I. I'm trying here.
T. Come back and try again when you learn to control yourself.
Tessa walks back inside.

Tessa's POV

*start of phone convo with liza*
T. Hi Liza
L. Hi Tessa. I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday. If you ever need anything just ask.
T. It's fine. But I do need one thing.
L. What's that?
T. Me and Ivan are on bad terms I just need a place to stay for me and Matthew.
L. I heard about it
T. You did. About the
L. Yeah. And you can stay at mine.
T. Thanks is it ok if I come now?
L. Yeah sure
T. Ok thanks bye.
L. Bye
*end of convo*

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