Chapter 8

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We had just arrived in Lestallum to meet with Gladio's little sister, Iris. As I was about to enter the Leville, where she was waiting, I felt a big hand land on my shoulder. The sudden impact made me jump slightly. I turned to find that the hand belonged to Gladio. The others stopped so we could all hear what he had to say.

"Why don't you guys go on in and say hello to my sister." He said crossing his arms, "Y/N and I need to talk." The others walked in without question.

I stood there completely baffled as he walked towards the huge square fountain nearby. Did I do something wrong? I walked towards him and he began talking as I sat at the edge of the calming pool of water.

"So, what's the deal with you and Iggy?" He asked, arms still crossed. I could feel him staring down at me.

I choked for a split second before answering, "What do you mean?"

"I'm more observant than you think. You two secretly together or somethin'?" He asked.

I almost shot out of my seat as I yelled, "What?! No!"

He chuckled and raised his hands up, as if to surrender, "Alright! I'm just asking." I sighed in relief, hoping he'd drop the subject. But he didn't, "So, you two are just crushing on each other?"

"What makes you think that?" Despite his joking manner, I felt like I was being interrogated. I slumped my shoulders and looked up like a scared child.

"Oh come on," he answered, "You think I haven't noticed the way you look and talk to each other?"

I turn my head away from him in embarrassment, "I don't know what you're talking about," I mumbled. He simply walked to my other side and stared at me in silence. I looked up at him and couldn't help but crack, "Do the others know?" I sighed.

"Nah. Those two are too dense." I looked down at my lap.

"Why are you asking me this anyway?"

"I just wanted to clear things up. That's all." Things were silent for a moment, and then he sat down next to me. "But while we're on the subject, why don't you two get together?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "You actually want us to be together?"

"Why not? At least you two could share a room and then I could have a bed to myself." I laughed and he continued, "Besides, Specs as always been a bit uptight. He could really use a woman in his life."

I fell silent and my face grew sad again, "Well, we can't," I said bluntly.

"And why's that?" He asked with skepticism.

I thought for a moment then sighed, "You don't even know if he feels the same way. Besides, even if he did we have a job to do. Ignis is smart. If I confess he'll just say that a relationship would be distracting." I put my elbow on my knee and rested my head on my palm. It upset me knowing we'd never be a thing.

"Well, I won't argue with that," he responded, "but he definitely has feelings for you."

I laughed in disbelief, "And what makes you think that?"

He looked at me with a serious yet comforting expression, "I've known the guy for years. I've never seen him look at any woman the way he looks at you. I'm not sure he realizes his own feelings for you. He probably thinks he sees you as a friend, but believe me, it's much more than that." I felt somewhat comforted by his words. But at the same time, it hurt more to think both our feelings would go ignored. I wanted to deny it all. Besides, I never once saw any affection hidden in his eyes.

"Well, don't bring this up to him, okay? I'd rather be clueless about his feelings. It hurts less that way," he sighed and placed a hand on my back.

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