Chapter 21R

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Requested by: Glitcher1987


I wake up the next morning groaning in pain as I hold my stomach. Ignis has woken up before me once again and is nowhere to be seen. Luckily, I have yet to actually bleed, but the pain in my abdomen this morning is intense. I try to remember if I have any supplies left, but I'm not sure and I'm in too much pain to get up and check.

After about half an hour Gladio comes in, "Hey. Iggy's almost done with breakfast, so he asked me to come an-" He stopped and stared at me for a while. I just continue to groan like a zombie and stare at him like my savior.

"It's that time again... Isn't it?" He asked. I nod in pain. He walks out and yells, "Hell no. You can help her, Prompto." My jaw drops down, shocked by his rudeness. I listen carefully as the boy's mumble outside my door. Eventually, I hear all of them grumbling in annoyance. It had been a few months since we left Insomnia, so the boys had already dealt with this before. However, they always complain about it.

Prompto peeks his head through the door, "Please tell me your just sick or something."

"I'm sick of your complaining, that's for sure," I snipped. He nodded and closed the door.

"Yep. She's moody,"

I roll my eyes, "Is anyone going to help me?" I call out.

Ignis steps in, but doesn't come towards me, "What do you need, love?"

I point to my bag at the end of the room, "I need my usual stuff,"

He goes over to my bag and searches through it. He pulls out my heating pad and places it on the floor next to him. He searches some more and then sighs.

"I'm afraid you're all out,"

"Ugh!" I flop onto my back and rub my stomach, "We'll I can't walk all the way down to that shop owner by the road. My leg is still messed up." I look over to him and give him my best puppy dog eyes, "Can you get them for me,"

His face turns completely pale. I can tell he really doesn't want to. He sighs, "Alright, love. I'll be back,"

When the door closes I can hear Prompto yelling and the sound of something being dragged on the floor. "Ow! Iggy! Where are you taking me! Let go of my ear!"


After getting my stuff and situating myself in a comfortable position with my heating pad I begin scrolling through my phone. As soon as I pull up my favorite social media site I hear the door creak open and then close. I don't bother to look up at who it is and just ignore it. Then I hear one of the armchairs being dragged across the wooden floor. It was weird, but I don't question it. Then after a few seconds I feel small objects being dropped on the foot of the bed one by one. I don't bother to look until one hits me in the face.

"Ugh! What the hell?" I grab the small object and see its bite size piece of chocolate. "Huh?"

I look up to see a tuft of Prompto's hair sticking up from behind the armchair. He slowly lifts his head up and then throws another chocolate. This time I catch it.

"What? You can't just give me the stupid chocolate, Chocobo Butt?" I ask as I begin taking the wrapper off of one.

He rises to his feet quickly, "Hey! I told you! My hair doesn't look like a chocobo's butt!" He walks over to me with a big bag of chocolate in his arms. "Besides, that was a lot more fun,"

He hands me the chocolate, "You're the greatest Prompto."

He smirks and heads for the door, "You got that right,"

My apologies to Glitcher1987 if this isn't exactly what you wanted. I loved the idea, but it was hard for me to come up with some good scenes for this request. I just wrote the experiences I've had.

Also, do any other girls have the worst period cramps ever? I swear I feel like I'm being murdered!

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