Chapter 28

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"Would you just get some rest already? He's not waking up anytime soon." Gladio growled. It's been days since the rite and Ignis and Noct were still unconscious. Gladio and I have not been on good terms lately.

I turn my head slightly over my shoulder and mumble, "We promised to worry and take care of each other. I'm not breaking that promise-"

"Would you shut up already?! You're not taking care of him! You're sulking around feeling sorry for yourself!" I stand up quickly, knocking my chair to the floor. I grab him buy the collar of his shirt and try to yell, but my vocal chords are strained from screaming a few days ago.

"Don't try me, big guy! I got my powers back and I'm not afraid to fuck you up!" Prompto walks into the room as I yell this and quickly runs over to push us away.

"Not this again! You two need to fix this before they wake up. How do you think they'll feel when they see you fighting?"

"Like this meat head would even care. He only cares about himself!"

"Y/N!" Prompto yells. Gladio quickly storms out and slams the door behind him, causing the whole room to shake. I sigh and roughly grab my chair off the floor. I sit back down and bury my face in my hands. I hear Prompto pull a chair up next to me and sit down.

"What is with you two? You guys were pretty good friends before."

I lift my head up at Ignis' sleeping body, "I don't know..." I whisper.

It's silent at first, "Do you think it'd be better to end the journey here?"

I contemplate this for a moment, "Doesn't really matter what I think. It's Noct's choice,"


The next day I can barely keep my eyes open. I haven't left Ignis' side yet and I've barely eaten a thing.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Well," he started, "you're a part of our group now, and it's my job to take care of you all."


"You know, I've noticed you worry so much about us, but you never worry about yourself."

"There's no need to be concerned about my own safety."


"Please, allow me to worry and take care of you. Just like I do for the others."

I thought for a moment, "I will, on one condition."

He looked scared to hear what I had to say next, "Anything,"

"Let me worry about you. If you won't do it someone else has to."

He smiled shyly and stared down at our hands. He was now turned towards me and placed his other hand atop mine. He rubbed his ungloved fingers on the back of my palm.



That's right. We made a promise. A promise I refuse to break. He stayed by my side when I was attacked by the Sahagins. He stayed awake until he was sure I was fine, and I'm going to do the same. Gladio walks into the room. At first, I want to just roll my eyes and ignore him until I see a doctor walk in with him. Prompto also follows with a look of guilt.

I stand up, "Is there something wrong with Noct?" Noct was staying in the suite at the top of the building. I had assumed something happened to him and the doctor came to inform me. The doctor just ignores me and places a medical bag on a table nearby. He opens it and begins pulling out all sorts of medicines, "Um... Is this about Ignis?"

"How long has the patient been awake?" He asks.


"About 4 days," Gladio answers.

My warning bells are going off. They've both been unconscious for 4 days. Are they talking about me?

"Has the patient eaten anything in that time?"

"Not much. Just enough to live," Gladio answers again.

"What is going on?" I demand. The doctor pulls out a small vile of medicine and a syringe. He stabs the needle into the vile cap as he speaks.

"Ma'am I'm going to need you to stay still. This will hurt a lot more if you don't"

Gladio and Prompto then grab both my arms, "What the-! What the hell are you doing?! Let me go damn you!" I struggle to pull my arms free as the doctor approaches me.

"Ma'am! Hold still!" I start kicking the doctor away.

"Get the hell away from me! I'm not sleeping!" The two boys then lift me and throw me down on the empty bed. They hold me down harder, making sure I can't move a muscle.

"Damn you, Gladio! You bastard!" I start yelling several profanities as the doctor injects the liquid in my neck. Right away I feel myself drifting off.


My eyes flutter open slightly. The sun light streaming through the windows burns my eyes. I move my eyes around the room in confusion.

What... happened?

The memory of my friends' betrayal hits me. I jolt up and look over at Ignis on the other bed. He has yet to wake up. I can't help but feel guilty. I stand up and move over to the other bed. I sit on the side of it and look down at him. I cup his face, brushing his cheek with my thumb. I notice the burns have begun to slowly heal.

After several hours, I feel movement on the bed behind me. I quickly look down to see Ignis moving and wincing in pain.

"Iggy..." I whisper.


"Yes, it's me. I'm so glad you're okay." I talk quietly and gently touch his face, almost as if I'm afraid that the slightest disturbance will hurt him.

"Y/N..." His voice is very strained. I assume he needs water and grab a glass from the nearby table.

"Hold on, Iggy." I go to the bathroom to fill it in the sink. When I come back he is still flat on his back.

"I know it hurts, but I need you to sit up, okay?" I help him and he begins breathing in pain. Once he's up I hold the cup up to his lips for him. I tilt if up slightly for a few seconds and then take it away. He swallows the water and then asks for more.

After his voice is back he asks, "Y/N... Why can't I see you?" I'm taken aback. I now notice that one eye is glued shut while the other has lost all color and is slightly glazed over.

"Oh no..."


I begin to panic, "H-hold on." I stammer, "Let me go get the doctor." I quickly get up to leave, but he grabs my wrist.

"Can you tell me... One more thing?" I wait, "Is Noct... Okay?" I smile. Its just like him to worry about everyone else even when he is in pain.

"Yes, he is." I then leave to tell the others about Iggy.


Hey everyone. I'm glad that everyone is enjoying the story more.

There is another one I'd like you 'll to check out: Final Fantasy XV Truth or Dare by AlexissEngel

Comment a truth or dare for her and the boys!

I've already dared Noct and Prompto to kiss 😍 #PromptisForLife

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