Chapter 20

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I wince and suck in a breath through my teeth as Ignis unwraps the bandages around my ankle. He apologizes each time I react negatively to his touch. It's been a few weeks, and now after he treats my wounds I'll try to walk for the first time since the accident.

After he finishes unwrapping my ankle he throws the bloody bandages away and begins healing my wound with curative items. There is only the sound of shattering potion bottles. I sigh in relief as the pain goes away slightly.

He then wraps my leg with new bandages and asks me if I'd like to try walking now. I nod in response. He takes both my hands and helps me stand up. I fall in pain as I put pressure on the bad leg, but he catches me immediately.

"Don't push yourself. Take your time," I nod and slowly try to take a step forward. At first, I do just fine and manage to reach the end of the room, but soon the pain becomes unbearable.

I fall once again and he leans down to support me, "I believe that's enough for one day. Allow me to carry you back to the bed." I shake my head.

"N-no I'll be fine,"

"Are you sure?" I nod. He lets out a sigh and then lifts me on to my feet. It takes me longer to get back, but I manage to make it just fine.

Ignis lifts me in his arms to help me on the bed. After laying me down and laying the blanket on me he sits down beside me.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to Altissia without me?" I ask.

"Positively sure. We could use a hand when handling the Hydrean." He smiles and reaches up to brush a stand of hair away from my face, "Besides, I feel rather... protective of you. I would like to stay by your side." He gently cups my cheek with his hand.

I smile slightly and look down at my hands for a while. When he doesn't move I look up at him. His face is now serious and he stares right into my eyes. My heart pounds so hard I can almost hear it in the silent room. I catch his eyes flicker at my lips and he leans in closer to me. His eyes begin to close and so do mine.

He stops just as our lips graze each other. I can hear him breathing nervously. Eventually, he finally closes the gap between us and gentle presses his lips against mine. My mind goes completely blank. It's as though nothing else exists now. Ignis and I are the only ones in the world and I want nothing more than to capture this moment in my mind and hold on to it forever. Our very first kiss.

When he pulls away it takes everything I have not to pull him back in. He opens his eyes and looks at me with a smile. He chuckled nervously, "My apologies. I just felt it was about time I did that."

I smile back, "Don't apologize. I'm glad you did." His smile grows wider. It's silent between us for a while.

"It's getting late. Why don't you get some rest," he kisses my forehead, turns off the bedside lamp, and heads for the bedroom door.

"Ignis," I call out to the now silhouetted figure. He stops and I assume he turns back to me. It takes me a second to get the words out, "Will you stay with me?"

I can't see his face. I wait impatiently for him to finally say something. "Of course," he answers as he walks to the foot of the bed. He pulls off his blazer, gloves, glasses, and shoes and places them neatly on a chair at the end of the room. He then walks to the other side of the bed and climbs in. I feel his arms wrap around my waist as he tries to spoon me. He makes sure to keep his feet away from mine to avoid injuring me.

"Are you comfortable?" He whispers.

"Hmm-mm" I answer as I nod my head. The warmth of his muscular chest against my back helps me drift off peacefully.


The next morning Ignis is no longer beside me. I find out from Iris that the boys had gone out hunting and will probably be out all day. I frown slightly, but I understand. How else will we get enough gil for food and other things?

I spend the day in bed while Iris and Monica take care of me. I also hang out with Talcott for a bit while he shows me his collection of cactuar figurines.

Once the day starts getting late Iris insists on helping me into a bath. It had been awhile, so I didn't question it. After I was done though, she begged me to let her do my hair and handed me a plain black dress. It looked more like a really long shirt or something.

When I told her I was hunger she insisted I wait for a bit and she wouldn't let me near any windows when we began practicing my walking.

Finally, as the sun had finally set, Ignis and the others came back. He complimented the way I looked and then lifted me up, bridal style.

"There's something I'd like to show you." He then asked me to close my eyes and I could feel him carry me somewhere.

I could hear Prompto call out, "Don't stay out too late, you crazy kids!"

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Gladio adds.

"Have fun," Noct says.

I laughed and shook my head. What's going on? I could feel the cool breeze hit my skin as we step outside, goosebumps spread out throughout my body.

Ignis lowers me into a chair and then instructs me to open my eyes. I obeyed and was greeted by a wonderful sight.

Small lights were strung from tree to tree and a table is set out with one of our favorite dish: Fluffy Chiffon Cake. He sits in the chair across from me and watches me in amazement.

"Do you like it?" He asks.

"Like it? I love it! Is this what you've been doing all day?"

"Well," he starts, "we spent a lot of time hunting. We needed some way to pay for all of this."

I smile and look down at the plate of food, "Did you make this?" He nods, "I can't believe you remembered that this is my favorite.

"Well, it's my favorite as well. And I never forget the look on someone's face when I cook for them the first time."

"You still remember that?" I ask.

He nods again. He places and elbow on the table and rest his head in his hand. "You looked absolutely amazed. It made me over joyed to see you so happy."

We eat our dinner and talked about our day. He told me about some of the beast they had fought and how Noct had a pretty embarrassing fail in battle.

When we were about done we saw a flash of light come from one of the windows and assumed it was Prompto taking pictures again.

Ignis stood up and sighed, "Would you like to take this elsewhere?" He asked.

"Maybe. Where do you plan on taking me?"

He smiles, "Just up by the light house,"

"Okay," he picks me up again and carries me up the hill to the large tower. He walks behind it and places me on a crate laying on the ground. We are on the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea. I stare at the ocean, glowing from the light of the moon, as Ignis sits next to me.

"Gorgeous," I whisper.

"Indeed," I look to find Ignis staring at me. He leans in just as he did last night, this time more confident, and kisses me once again.

I lift up my hands and gently place them on either side of his face. He responds by placing a hand behind my head. The kiss deepens, but not enough for things to get sexual. Eventually, he pulls away and I just lay my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"Anything for you, love"

Ignite My Heart (Ignis X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now