Chapter 37

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There was something I wanted to say about the ending of this game. I'm going to save it for the end of this chapter, but I do feel its important to point out before we reach the end.


We walk hand in hand towards the gate of the town. The past few days with Ignis had been wonderful. We managed to rebuild the relationship we once had.

Although it still feels strange being with him after all these years I couldn't be happier. However, I couldn't help but feel worried. What if we stop talking again? What if we end up back in this same position years later?

When we reach the main gate I'm not sure what to say or do. I just stand in front of Ignis holding both of his hands in mine, looking down at our feet.

"Is something the matter, love?"

I grip his hands tighter and pull him a little closer. My forehead rests on his chest, "I just..."

He lifts my chin up gently to look at him, "I know I've said this before, but we won't lose each other." He drops his hand and I look back down again.

"You may choose not to believe me," he takes on if my hands and places it against his heart, "I swear to you that I won't disappear again. I'll be back before you even realize I'm gone. I promise,"

I wasn't sure what I should believe, but his heartfelt promise made me want to believe him. I looked up at him and smiled, "Thank you, Iggy."

He smiled and brought me in for an embrace. I held onto him tightly wishing that I didn't have to let go.

He eventually pulls away and I fight the urge to hold him tighter, "Goodbye, love." He lays a tender kiss on my lips and turns to leave as the gate opens.

I quickly turn around to head back to my apartment, not wanting to watch him possibly leave me for another couple of years. I start thinking about what I should do now. I hadn't been hunting in a few days. Perhaps...

"Y/N!" I turn back to see Ignis jogging towards me. As he tries to catch up I notice him press a button on his phone.

"I just received a call from Talcott. Noctis has returned!"

My jaw drops to the floor. At first my mind it blank. Nothing exists for a moment and I forget how to think. Then it hits me. All of the pain and sorrow I had felt instantly washes away.

Our savior is back.

"What are we standing here for then? Let's go!" I grab his hand and run back towards the gate.

When I exit the town I immediately notice a Hammerhead truck parked in the gas station. I sprint towards the vehicle, my hand still wrapped around Ignis'.

I let go when we reach the truck and I quickly get in the back. I buckle in and look up to see Gladio in the driver's seat and Prompto in the passengers. They looked so different. Gladio had grown out his hair and tied the top layer in a small pony tail. Prompto had finally started to grow some hair on his face and both of them looked much older.

"Didn't expect to see you. Aren't you required to stay here, Glaive?" Gladio mocked.

I laugh, "You really haven't changed, big guy."

Ignis steps in on the other side of the back seat and buckles in quickly, "We must get to Hammerhead quickly. Noctis has returned."

The two boys turn pale at first. Without a word Gladio starts the vehicle and smashes on the gas. In a blink of an eye we are on the road leaving Lestallum.

"He's back? How do you know? How did he get to Hammerhead?" Prompto asked.

"I received a call from Talcott. He was driving past Galdin on his way to Hammerhead and he spotted two figures walking along the road. When he stopped it was Noct and Umbra,"

Prompto slumped down in his seat, "Wow... We're finally gonna be together again after all these years,"


After pulling into Hammerhead I quickly jumped out of the vehicle. I looked around hastily for Noct or Talcott or any familiar face at this point.

As the others stepped out another vehicle pulled in. We wall walked slowly towards the truck in anticipation. I tried to peer inside the windshield, but the head lights were too bright.

The passenger door opened and a black dog jumped out. We were all on our toes now. The black figure stepped out and closed the door and slowly walked towards us.

I couldn't get a good look at him until he was right in front of us. His hair was much longer now, split in the middle to show his face for once. He had a nice beard going and the wrinkles in his face were much more defined than ours.


We all chuckle a bit, "'Hey'? That's all you have to say for yourself- after all this time?" Gladio said as he slapped him on the back.

Noct chuckled, "Noct. It's you! It's really you!" Prompto yelled excitedly as he walked around looking him up and down.

"Is it? I hadn't realized,"

I laughed, "I see your still the smart ass you've always been,"

"Of course," he responded smoothly.

It was as if no time had passed. Those 10 odd years were just a blur now.

Ignis just smiled and whispered, "Well well. You kept us waiting,"

Without a word Noct walked toward him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Not like I wanted to." He drops his hand and looks back at all of us, "We have catching up to do,"

"Let's head inside," Ignis suggests. The others quickly head inside as Ignis puts an arm around my shoulders and we walk in together.


Gosh I'm so tempted to finish this today! I'm so excited to write the ending and start on the other fanfics.

*Warning* I'm about to give away the ending if FFXV and I'm a bit suggestive about how this fanfic might end. So if you really eant to wait until this fanfic is finished don't continue.

Anyway onto the topic I mentioned before. So I've seen a lot of debate on the internet about what happened and it had occured to me that some of you might not know.

Anyway as much as I hate to admit this all four Chocobros did in fact die at the end of FFXV. When Noct was sucked into the Crystal Bahamut told Noct he had to sacrifice himself. He died on the throne after killing Ardyn.

The campfire scene took place before they even got to Insomnia. It was there last camping trip before the final fight. It starts after Noct tells them that he has to sacrifice himself.

Then in the scene where Noct and Ardyn kinda have that show down and they are floating in empty space is the after life. Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis appear along side him with Regis and Luna who as you know are both dead.

It only makes sense that they died defending the Citadel for Noct. I know some may not want to admit that, but unfortunately that is the true ending of FFXV and I had started this fanfic with the intent to keep it as realistic to the characters as possible.

So I'm sure you wondering what will happen in the end. I guess youll have to find out.

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