Chapter 41

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After what only seemed like seconds my eyes shot open and I sat up quickly, looking around of the others. I saw Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio starting to wake up, but Noct and Ardyn were long gone.

I began shaking the guys awake one by one in a panic, "Guys. Wake up! Noct is gone,"

The boys, now wide awake, began panicking too. I then heard the sound of warping and explosions. I looked up at the gaping hole in the wall next to the throne and ran up the steps leading to it.

I found Noct in midair, a wheel of weapons swirling around him, "He's outside!"

We quickly ran out of the throne room to reach our King.


When burst through the front doors we found Noct kneeling down beside Ardyns body. We slowly walked towards them, breathing sighs of relief. When we reached the bottom Ardyn vanished in cloud of smoke.

Rain began pouring down us and Noct stood up, walking past us and up the first few steps without a word. He turned to face us and looked at each of our faces carefully.

Ignis was the one who decided to speak up, "So, this is farewell?"

"Yea. Here we are," Noct answered.

Gladio put on a tough face, "It's all you,"

Noct nodded and turned to go inside, "No turning back now," Prompto whispered. Noct froze in place and turned back around.

He stared down at us for a moment, "I leave it to you four. Walk tall... My friends,"

We all stared up at him in silence. My instincts from training kicked in again and I held my right hand over my heart and bowed, "Yes, Your Majesty," The others did the same without hesitation.

When we straighten up Noct's hand was over his own heart, "The time has come," he turned around and that would be the last time we saw him. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I watches him leave.

"Y/N..." I turned to face Ignis. I had never seen him so afraid, "There's something I must tell you," I turned my head to the sound of daemons rising from the ground.

We turned to face them and mentally prepared ourselves. I had never felt more ready, that is until Ignis whispered the last words I'd ever hear him say, "I love you,"

I nearly fell to my knees. Tears streamed down my cheeks before I even realized they were there. I looked back on our time together.

When I had met these boys on these very steps. When our Regalia broke down and we had to push her to Hammerhead. When we were attacked by the Sahagins. When Ignis and I had our first kiss. When we made love for the first time. And when we reunited and rekindled our romance once again a few days ago.

I hadn't realized how much I longed for those three words, and now this would be the first and last time I'd hear them.

Without looking at him and putting on a strong face I whispered, "I love you too." We summoned our weapons and gave it our all to protect the Citadel.

I fought like normal, but the number of daemons were overwhelming. Eventually, I heard someone cry out in pain. I turned to find Prompto motionless on the ground, "Prompto!" I yelled.

Immediately afterwards I saw Gladio get struck down by a spider woman. He fell to the ground without any resistance, "Gladio!"

At this moment time slowed down. I realized what was happening and turned in all directions until my eyes landed on Ignis. He held up a good fight but was suddenly knocked back by an Iron Giant. He fell to the ground hard and did not try to stand up. It felt as though my vocal cords shattered as I screamed his name.

An endless pool of tears fell from my eyes as I felt powerless to do anything. I wanted to fall to my knees and give up when I heard a strange sound. I looked up behind me and saw flashes of blue light coming from the hole of the throne room.

Everything came back then. I was here to protect Noct, and I wasn't going to die giving up. I was going to fight to my very last breath.

The Iron Giant that had killed Ignis was no focused on me. He swung his blade down and I quickly blocked him with my shield, barring my teeth in anger.

I parried his sword away and blasted him with many spells and warp strikes. Just as I was about to deliver my final blow with a warpstrike the giant swung his blade and cut my stomach open.

I flew back just as Ignis had and landed right beside him. At first, I laid there with my eyes glued shut as the life drained out of me. When I finally opened them I looked down at the pool of blood spilling under me.

I then looked up at Ignis's face. His eyes were closed and his chest did not rise and fall. He was long gone. I reached out my hand and placed it over his as one last tear ran down my face.

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