Chapter 10

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"Y/N..." My name escaped his lips so smoothly. He leaned over me and caressed my face with one hand. His eyes bore deep into my soul. I hesitantly reached out to touch his bare chest. His skin was soft and perfect.

"Y/N..." He said my name once more, and then he began repeating it over and over. Soon, his voice grew faint as though he were getting further and further away from me. My vision grew dark and I could no longer feel him. Once I was in complete darkness his voice become louder again, but it sounded a bit more urgent. I could feel a pair of hands shaking me.

"Y/N!" I slowly opened my eyes to see Ignis standing over me, fully dressed and looking annoyed. He stopped shaking me when he noticed my eyes open, "Finally, why is the clock unplugged?"

I sat up in my bed and began rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. As my vision cleared I could see Ignis glaring down at me with his arms crossed. What happened? I think back to the night before.

Right... I had come back to my room feeling depressed. Then I unplugged the clock from the wall so that I could sleep in. Now Ignis was furious with me and in all honesty, I'm not sure I really care. As I stood up from the bed he moved back slightly to give me room. I grabbed some clothes that I had thrown onto a chair when we got the room and headed towards the bathroom.

"Don't ignore me," he demanded. I stopped in front of the bathroom door for a moment.

"Sorry..." I entered the bathroom before he could say another word.


After I got out of the shower and got dressed I found that Ignis had left my room. I just stood there, glancing around the room before sitting at the foot of my messy bed and burring my face into my hands. It may have been childish, but I felt too miserable to do anything. I knew I needed to protect the prince and help him complete his journey, but with my confusing emotions getting in the way doing that was becoming much harder. I let out a harsh sigh and stand up. If I didn't head over to the boys' room soon Ignis would be back. The last thing I need is him questioning my odd behavior. When I reached their room and entered everyone was acting like their usual selves, except Ignis. He still looked a bit annoyed.

"Hey, Y/N!" Prompto greeted, "We were just about head to the outlook."

"I thought we were checking out the Disc," I said in a monotone and somewhat rude tone. Ignis looked even more upset.

"We're just gonna see if we can spot anything from there," Gladio answered. I stood there for a moment, saying nothing. Finally, I shrugged and leaned my head toward the doors direction.

"K. Let's go,"

"Uh, Y/N." Prompto started.

"What," I felt like I was acting a lot like Noct right now. I wonder if he had always had something on his mind, too, or if this is just how he was. If it's the latter that seems like a pretty horrible way to live. Noct decided to finish Prompto's question, who seemed a bit to afraid of setting me off to do it himself.

"You alright?" I glanced over at Ignis whose face was knitted together in annoyance. I sighed.

"Yea. Great." I could tell they obviously didn't believe me. They chose to let it go though. Each of them walked passed me on the way out. I just stood there with my eyes glued to the floor. Ignis was the last out, but before he left he stopped in front of me, staring at my face. It was as though he was trying to figure out what to say. Finally, he gave up and left, and I followed.


When we reached the outlook we saw a familiar, ominous figure peering through one of the view finders. The man we had met a Galdin Quay looked up to notice we were there.

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