Chapter 18R

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Ok, so this is how things are going to work. I will put an "R" in the chapter title for every chapter that was requested by a fan. If you are not interested in these then skip to a chapter that doesn't have an "R" in it.

However, these chapter are now officially a part of this stories timeline, so they are important. These chapter will also be pretty short.

Requested by: Glitcher1987


After I woke up and Ignis confessed his feelings for me he went downstairs to make some soup for me. My stomach felt like it was eating itself as I waited for the food. When he came back I tried to eat the dish myself, but he insisted on feeding me. He would scoop up the broth with a spoon and hold it to my mouth as I took a bite. I kind of felt like a baby, but I didn't mind. After I finished he placed the empty bowl on the bedside table and we talked about how this would work. We agreed that we would not let our relationship get in the way of our jobs when we are on the battle field, or when Noct is in a time of distress.

"Maybe you should get some rest," he suggested after our talk.

"I've been unconscious for days," I yawned and placed my hand over his, "I don't need any more sleep," He smiled and then cupped my face is both hands. He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to my forehead. I could feel my face burn bright red. The room suddenly flashes bright and there is a snapping sound. We look over to the door to see Prompto trying to sneak a photo of us.

He gasps as he stares at his camera, "Oh. Em. Gee! I ladies and gentleman have captured a masterpiece!" He holds his camera up in triumph. We see the other two boys standing behind him laughing.

Noct looks over his best friend's shoulder to see the photo, "Wow, that picture is so sweet I think I might have diabetes now."

"Isn't it romantic?" Prompto sighs happily as he presses the device to his chest.

"It's rude to spy on others, you know." Ignis says rather annoyed.

"Is somebody shy?" Gladio teases.

I can see Ignis' face turning a little red. He looks at me and brushes a thumb against my cheek, "I'll see you in the morning, love" Before I could respond he quickly got up and left the room.

"Iggy! Don't you wanna see the picture?" Prompto yells as both him and Noct follow him to the boys room.

Gladio is just about to leave too, "Gladio, wait." He stops and looks back at me, arms crossed. "Come here,"

He comes and sits down on the side of the bed where Ignis was. "What is it?" He asks. I try to come up with what to say when I remember he had broken the promise. I slap his arm as hard as I possibly can and he flinches slightly.

"Ow! What did you do that for?" He yells.

"You said you wouldn't tell him!" I yell back.

He rubbed his arm where I had hit him, "But you guys are together now! Shouldn't you be thanking me?"

"I am," I answer and he raises his eyebrow in response, "but I'm also mad you broke the promise,"

"Well, sorry." He apologizes sarcastically. There's a long pause.

"Thank you," I whisper, "Thank you so much." Tears begin to form in my eyes. He smiles and rustles my hair with one hand.

"No prob. Now get some rest," I nod as I rub the water droplets out of my eyes and fix my hair. He turns of my bedside lamp and leaves the room. I am restless the whole night, both from the pain and excitement.

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