Chapter 14

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A few days after arriving in Cape Caem, the four of us decided to finally go looking for the Mythril at the Vesperpool. The Vesperpool was a large swamp, swarming with enemies. We eventually managed to find a den, similar to Deadeye's back in Duscae. This time, however, it was like a mini jungle. It was difficult trying to make our way through the flora and fauna, and there were many plant like enemies as well.

"Do you really think we'll find anything of value here?" Prompto questioned.

"Can't hurt to at least look around," I answered. I knew he wanted to complain, but he stopped himself after spotting some more enemies. These were strange monkey like monsters that we never saw before.

The fight went as normal, until a dagger flew right for my head. I barely managed to duck in time and found Ignis was walking around in a weird daze.

"Iggy! What's the big idea?" He grunted in response. He looked and sounded completely confused and kept trying to attack one of us instead of the enemy.

Eventually, he finally seemed to snap out of it, "My apologies. I felt rather touched," His voice caused me to get distracted and I received a crushing blow from one of the crazy monkeys. I did my best to get back on my feet but found myself feeling extremely dizzy. I looked around and my vision looked blurry. I tried to use my words, but nothing would come out. I lazily swung my sword at what I though was an enemy, but I failed to hit it several times.

After a few minutes, my vision cleared and I could see Prompto running from me.

"I think she finally snapped!" He yelled.

I shook my head, "Sorry! I don't know what came over me," After realizing that our confusion came from the monsters, we made sure to get rid of them as fast as possible.


All of the confusion we had endured was so tiring, we chose to camp out inside the den. Ignis and I sat close to one another next to the fire. Our legs touched as he held open his recipe book for both of us to see. He seemed very comfortable, never moving away to avoid physical contact. After deciding what to make for breakfast there was a bright flash followed by a snapping sound. We looked up and found Prompto aiming a camera at us.

"Look, Noct! Iggy is actually smiling!" He yelled as he ran to Noct's side to show him the picture.

"He's been smiling a lot more than usual, don't ya think?" Noct teased.

"Just what are you two implying?" Ignis asked.

Both boys threw up their hands in defense and laughed. Ignis shook his head and smiled slightly at me, "I suppose I'll see you tomorrow morning, Y/N." He closed his notebook, his eyes still glued to me. He then stood up and entered the tent.


"Y/N!" I stumbled out of the tent after hearing Ignis desperately call out for me.

I rubbed my still sleepy eyes and asked, "What? What is it?"

"It's my spectacles!" He yelled again. It was weird hearing him this freaked out. After rubbing my eyes, I looked at his naked face. His glasses were not where they always were.

"What about them, Iggy?" He looked both sad and frustrated. He squinted hard at my face.

"I was making ready to leave camp when a black chocobo saddled up," he explained, "snatched my specs from over nose and bolted!" He pinched the bridge of his nose like his head was hurting. I tried to hold it in but began to bust out laughing. I held my stomach and laughed harder as I imagined what that situation must have looked like. The scowl on his face wasn't helping either.

"This is no laughing matter! We must retrieve them at once!" He began heading in the direction the chocobo went.

I did my best to catch my breath before asking, "Wait, don't you have a spare? Why not just wear those?"

"And let a perfectly good pair go to waste as a chocobo's trinket? I think not. Now follow me,"

I jogged to catch up with him and followed him to the end of the den. We managed to find both the chocobo and a royal tomb.

"Alright, Ignis. How do you wanna do this?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of gyshal greens.

"I'll distract that foul fowl with the greens while you grab the glasses,"

He walked off to the other end of the open area, away from the bird and began calling out to it, "Here birdy birdy!" I had to try really hard not to start laughing again, so that I wouldn't freak the giant bird out. After the bird was distracted I did the best to stealthily crawl towards the glasses, which were set onto a flat rock. All those years of training a a Glaive, and I never thought I'd be using them for something like this. I managed to reach the specs without incident. However, as I reached out for the glasses I heard the bird screech.

"Grab them! Quickly!" Ignis called out. I grabbed the specs and ran as fast I could away from the chocobo. Ignis soon followed. We ran all the way to the camp before finally getting away from the chocobo. After escaping I turned around to give Ignis his glasses. But I froze after looking at his amazingly handsome face.

"Thank you, Y/N... Uh... Is something the matter," I noticed I had been staring at him and quickly tried to defend myself.

"S-sorry. I've just never seen you without your glasses,"

He looked down at the ground, "Do I look strange?" He asked.

I laughed, "No, of course not! You look," I paused for a moment and smiled, "You look great,"

He smiled back and walked closer to me to grab his glasses, "Thank you. Now let's go wake up the other two, grab the royal arm and go."


It's a bit sort, but I just had to add the case of the stolen spectacles! Hope you enjoyed it!

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